Block B OTPs.

so ever since Infinite has been inactive, i've been getting interested in Block B.

I was watching Match Up and now i am going crazy over Zico :D

ANYWAYS, am I the only one who ships 2Ji? (Zico/P.O,)

because everyone else is going crazy over ZiKyung, JaeCo, or U-Bomb. and i'm like.... but I like 2Ji better...

so yeah, i think more people should ship 2Ji. because they are cute :D


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I ship 2Ji, and Kyunghyo-Bomb (OT3)
I am forever cursed with the less popular ships TT ATT
2pi is my first and (so far) only block b ship and now i find this audfkxixihd
dimples2332 #3
i would ship taepyo <33 <33
this is really late but i ship zikwon
Such a late comment but I like...drumroll please...Bkyung/minkyung/kyunghyuk/kyungbom/wtf. I feel so alienated. .-.
geezsrsly #6
I've just watched match up too
And yes! I like 2ji
they're so funny together
and I wonder why people don't ship them
CocoPanda #7
2Ji here toooo!
Wish there was more fanfics q.q
CocoPanda #8
2Ji here toooo!
Wish there was more fanfics q.q
Let's love 2Ji forevaah. LOL. I'm late here. Keke.
my secret otp is JAEBOMB >:333
but i ship all block b couples <333 XD
SSZE_A501 #11
Hahahah xD I go for 2Ji as well as U-Bomb >_<
me likeyyyy blockb! haha xD