Game (stolen)

1. Where were you an hour ago?

- Grocery store


2. Who will be your next kiss?

- a person assumably 

3. What kind of deodorant do you use?

- cucumber and green tea scent 

4. Are you wearing socks right now?

- yes. they have cybermen on them. 

5. When was the last time you went out of the state?

- back in august for kcon 2014

6. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?

- nope~

7. What was the last thing you had to drink?

- water

8. What are you wearing right now?

- jeans, a t-shirt, sweatshirt, socks, shoes

9. What was your last purchase?

- a book titled, "77 shadow street"

10. Last food you ate?

- mashed potatos and chicken and salad. 

11. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?


12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?

- jeans~

13. Do you have a pet?

- two dogs! they're both named bella (that was unintentional seriously). Big Bella is a german shepard chow mix and Little Bella is a Shih Tzu, Pekingese Poodle mix ^^ they're so cute and the best dogs eva

14. What's the last sporting event you watched?

- american football

15. Where did u go today?

- to doctor appointments and the store

16. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?

- Oh there are a lot of places...Currently I want to be in downtown seattle to watch Lu Han's movie, "20 Once Again"

17. What is the last thing you purchased online?

- Jonghyun's Base mini album! 

18. One thing you hate about yourself?

- A lot....I get jealous easily 

19. What's your favorite song?

- That's too hard! Currently it's NEON by Jonghyun

20. Do you miss anyone?

- My cousin~~~ <3 q.q

21. Last play you saw?

- Into the Woods! 

22. What are your plans for the day?

- Read read read 

23. Ever go to camp?

- Sometimes yeah but not often

24. What is on the ad on the myspace page right now?

- myspace still exists?

25. Do you have any tattoos or piercing?

- I used to have ear piercings but I'm severely allergic to the metal. I want to get a few tattoos someday.

26. Last person who made you cry?

- Jonghyun because I'm so damn proud of him <3 

27. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?

- Not right now

28. Where are your best friends located?

- far away q.q

29. Do you have a tan?

- nope

30. How soon do you want to have kids?

- I never ever want to have kids

31. Have you ever drank soda from a straw?

- Yerp

32. Ever mixed all the sodas from the machine and drank it?

- I used to do that as a kid. It was gross. 

33. Do you have allergies?

- I have a dog and cat allergy, every type of tree, grass, and slight sun allergy

34. Do you like hot sauce?

- yush >:)

35. Next time you'll take a shower?

- Tomorrow

36. Last shot you received?

- Um...whooping cough vaccination in 2012?

37. What is your mood?

- right now? tired

38. Are you someone's best friend?

- ....i don't know, maybe???

39. What did you do for valentine's day?

- last valentine's day, I did nothing. This valentine's day, i will do nothing. 

40. What are you doing right now?

- doing this thing because im bored as hell


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