Given with time

Hello there, take my hand. 

Let's go somewhere hidden. 

Somewhere far off the tracks we are known to.

Just you.

And I.

Clench my hands like you've known me all your life.


Who knows, we don't have time here.

Its just you.

And I.

Two people,  not rushing in this secret land we found.

Who am I?

Who are you?

Here, anyone.

With time we can figure out more.


No one is keeping up.

It's dark, say good morning. 

When the sun is up, tell me goodnight.

It's that simple, there's no known rules.

Just don't kill me..

By your tears,



Pain is not known here.

We can be civil, or animals.

But let no blood bath take us.

Because with time..

We are bound to fall.

Fall in some type of bounds to one another.

May ot be days, weeks, years, decades. .

It's not known, so if its a minute from now..

We can still say it took time to give in.

We are hidden with what's right and whats wrong here.

Nothing is known.

Everything is allowed..

Just don't kill.

Don't count seconds.

Let's be here and not with anyone else.



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:D omo this is so nice!! I'm so calmed lol is that strange?
Really nice, poetic and profound. I like how you use repeatitions in the text *o*
Have a great day!