12 Stories.

Yeah. You see this?


Yep. I have eight hidden stories. They're mostly fresh ideas off my mind tho, but yea I'm planning to keep them hidden until I complete them.

Oh, and by fresh, I mean seriously fresh-off-the-mind with a c'mon-get-a-piece-of-paper-to-jot-this-amazing-idea-down-thing.

Ugh, the cons of being an owl person. Struggles aside, I just want to let you all know I'm still writing frequently! Just been drawing a lot more also (cos waiting for college results is giving me the jitters)

And well, here's a bit of a treat (or more like an honest to goodness tribute):

My UB Taeyeon! ♥



Aaand biaswreckerohmylord Tiffany :3



OKAY NOW BACK TO DOING HOMEWORK (and eventually continuing those awaited oneshots I [sorta] promised! :D)

Bye for now :3


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