My phone's broken, and so I'm using my sister's phone. And I can't use AFF, because my parents might find out...

So right now, I'm limited to AFF at school... I miss you all DDD:

"In other news", I got a C for English Literature, and a B for English Language. The B is because of my speaking and listening assessment, so I did well on the exam, but yeah...

My parents are livid. Seriously. No other way to put it. It was a mock exam, but they're pissed, and they're afraid. And I'm having to work my off to getthe grades I need.

Pray for me chingus {*_*}




PS. I'm using comic sans to annoy you all xP

Yeah, I don't deserve prayers, but yeah! Pray for me if you don't hate me :D

*hugs tightly*


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kgrl123 #1
ugh i hate mock exams.
ur lucky you get to take english language... my 'english' class is just basically literature.....
We miss you too~
Good luck with ur exam and everything you do and i hope your phone will be fix soon :)
Goos luck in your exams, deaarrr!!! I miss youuuuu~~~ i'm having igcse this year T.T