
Hey guys! I know it’s been a while but unfortunately it doesn’t mean i’m coming back :/ I don’t have time with work and my boyfriend and honestly i just don’t feel that urge to come on anymore. I think i’m growing up from sitting on the computer all day fangirling lol but don’t worry i fangirl sometimes lol But i came on today to inform you guys that i am removing Red Light City and I’m Not From This World off of my AFF and Tumblr. I am right now transforming RLC with the potential of possibly turning into a real book. I could also potentially transform INFTW one day so that is why i am removing that one also. I would love to keep it on here so you guys could continue to read it over and over but i can’t risk someone taking it and calling it their own and preventing me from hopefully one day completing it and turn it in somewhere. I have enjoyed all of you for being my followers and reading my stories. You all have really made my writing so much better and have motivated me to do things with my writing i didn’t know possible :) I miss and love you all and hope you all have good and happy lives! You could still message me, i will reply back. It may take me a while but you will get an answer lol :) Thank you all so much for everything, i love you all <333


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