BE MATURED Locksmith...please...

Hai...juz to emphasise on current situation between Locksmith and Khunfany Shipper. .

Im one of d Locksmith and honestly I really want to see someday (maybe) Taeny will be real on public eyes...Ready to announce to us tht they will get marry and having a cute little Taeny....


As all u know lately 'some' of Locksmith getting over board...they bashed Nikon because of her girlfriend show of his fav colour bennie (red) and his fav cartoon character (mickey) be honest, im also get mad to Tiff but I think its not an appropriate attitude to came out ur frustrated guys...

Its not us..its not Locksmith...WE BELIEVE WHAT WE BELIEVE guys...dont bother what people said to us...we dont bashed any shipper (yulti, taengsic, etc) so why we care when tiff do tht???? ? because we think tiff only suit for tae and vice versa??? but did we know what exactly play in tiff mind during she decided to post tht photo? ?? did we??? No rite...It's maybe she juz want to showed her new bennie or she juz want to post something for her fan or she mayb think of TAEYEON (the mickey-taeyeon & the caption 'gangster face'- taeyeon's pink gangster)???

Come on guys, we matured already....dont bashed any shipper / hated anybody. ..if you dont like what they said juz be deaf, if you don't like what they posted juz be blind. ..and always think TAENY IS MORE THAN REAL...

And I think the real problem tht arise from all this immatured attitude is TAEYEON Hiatus...its more than 1 weeks we dont heared or saw any random photos on her instagram....WHY????? because of this chaos...MAYBE history repeat its self this time..remember when people bashed her about her dating issue? ?? Tae hiatus on her instagram almost 2 months. ..and why she do tht, because fandom got war among them on instagram and twitter juz like CURRENT SITUATION...

Its what u want LOCKSMITH? ??? HAPPY NOW??? you try very hard to bashed Nikon and make him took some reaction (blocking people and posted some comments) and NOW as the result we had to WAIT for TAEYEON to comeback on her instagram. ..

BUT until when shipper? ?? another 1 week?? ? another 1 month? ?? WHEN???

Nothing we can do rite now, its up to Tae when she will post on her instagram. ..

I juz want to remind to me myself and to all LOCKSMITH and also SONE be matured next time...Maybe we angry, sad, heartache and etc BUT always think our SOSHI feeling too...

I really hope Tae will updated something in her instagram soon...



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Finally tae update her instagram and show us she fine w fany too....thank for tht tae...u show us there nothing to worry bet u n fany..u keep telling us TAENY IS MORE THAN REAL in ur ways every time tht NIKON keep in about LOCKSMITH 'delusion'...and also I felt so happy about taeyeon being fangirl over tiffany and tiffany react to tht in Golden Dics Award 2015 yesterday nite...TAENY IS MORE THAN REAL
porkymama #2
im not siding anybody i just want to make some point here first this understandting A RISE when NK always reply to those question which he knows he well fell upset in the end... he always said LETS HAVE SOME FAN TALK and now he replied on that so many question he never think.. yes he never think properly he never consider tiffany in the first place he always think his ego... me i have ego all of us have.. second the way he approach or post his message its really really annoying his like a child. And look what his got right now... to tiffany idk what to say.. SHE GOT A LONG HAIR HAHAHA .
but the fanwar happened bcs of what nikon tweeted on his twitter