Goodbye, I'm leaving!


Shida is here today, tonight to say goodbye to all my dearly friends.

Goodbye to you all because I'll go back to my school/hostel tomorrow morning. Yes morning not evening like usually. Yeah, in the morning there will be registration and then get into new room, arranging all my things in the locker and my parents will leave me alone there again. 

This year, I can't online like last year while in class.... just because there is no more Computer Science class for this year. I can't greet you all anymore and my life will be very busy soon. 

So, meet you all again next time! Actually, I've a bad feeling right now, the sadness already come to me. Someone please cheer me up...

This tears are being very bad to me...

Good luck to all SPM 2015 candidates! I love you all.

Let's fight together, let's success together my love!!!

Goodbye for now.





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huhu samalah ngn kitaaa bdak hostel jgak~~ada gengg haha XD tahun ni mmg busy n de mase sngt nk bkk AFF.msuk makmal ICT waktu free je klu mmg pun x bleh bwk :( anyway,all the best 2015 :)
Good luck !! :D I know how you feel :')
Good luck and all the best! :-) and don't cry, you'll get used to it. Take care.