Hey I have a question

What are some phrases that you guys read that make you nuts because they are so overused? I'm making a brainstorming "story" and am looking for additions. 

An example:

Their tongues battled for dominance.


So, if you have some, list them up for me and I'll add them. Hopefully we can change the tide of . 


Check out the evil list so far..    



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It makes me want to myself in the face with a rake whenever people write butterfly kisses light, fleeting kisses done with the lips. That's WRONG. Butterfly kisses are when a person's eyes flutter or brush against another person's skin.

Whenever I see someone write something like, "He trailed butterfly kisses down her back..." it makes me imagine someone rubbing their eyeballs all over someone's back.
I am so guilty of the smirk, especially when it comes to GD. Haha. Some others would be "seizing" of lips, "cupping" of one's face in hands, and "furrowed brows". Oh and begging/pleading/granting/etc. or "access" to said hot cavern. Okay I'm done now.
So true! I have to say I'm completely guilty of using them myself but: "milking his release" is probably the next biggest one after the tongues battling for dominance.