Probably a hilarious pic of him- or nah xD

So yeah

I'm seriously happy that my youtube got back to normal

and tomorrow is monday o/

btw I'm joining a talent competition in my own school lol

Like the audition will be held on the next friday

and I'm hella nervous

like pls help me to pick which song should I sing><

- Officially Missing You

- Listen (Beyonce)

- Love On Top (Beyonce)

- Grenade (Bruno Mars)

- Talking to the moon (Bruno Mars)

- Who Is (Bruno Mars)

- When I was Your Man (Bruno Mars)

- Rolling in the Deep (Adele)

 (Won't be singing kpop songs bc they'll ask me to explain THE WHOLE SONG >.>)

p.s: The judges are guy music teachers(they're in their 38-40 i think) and it'll be acapella so yeah


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Yeah, Officially Missing You ^^

((But I'm biased in that respect, don't mind me))

i thought officially missing you
but they'd all sound nice acapella if pulled off well
i say go for the one your instinct is telling you coz if you don't while you're waiting for the audition you might be conflicted and change your mind to last minute go out and do the one you originally thought of doing
good luck btw, suonds fun. you're really brave so fighting!!
taehyungtae #3
Listen, When I Was Your Man, Grenade or Rolling in the Deep. For me, these songs are going to KILL them (metaphorically). Well, I do like these songs a lot so these just show my (obvious) biases. Listen has been a personal favorite of mine since I was just a squeaky, high-pitched, overly energetic girl. It's a first choice, if you ask me. It might be a bit boring but it does show good technique and stuff. *shrugs* It depends. The rest are just songs I enjoy the most.
Anyway, to showcase your talent—an abundance of expertise in singing technique and (just) raw talent—you should pick something that suits your voice best—the one song, from all these choices, you enjoy the most (and where you don't struggle to hit a single note—you know, you don't falter for a single moment when you sing any of it because it's the easiest or something for you). In short, the song where you're most comfortable singing.
Well, I guess, it doesn't hurt to try something new (difficult for you) to try showcasing your vocal power. A challenge, in other words. If you like challenges, then go for it. But don't forget to take care of yourself. Practice a lot but not too much where you'll damage your voice.
I wish you all the best in advance! It takes a lot of courage (and I mean, a LOT) to try auditioning for something (or just performing in general) in front of others. It doesn't hurt to just try. Even if you (or the others) think that you might fail or aren't good enough, just try. A journey starts with a single step. Break a leg! (Not literally... (。-_-。) you know what I mean...)
You never know... If you're really a vocal goddess (LOL WHAT AM I SAYING XD), this MIGHT be the start of your career (that is, if that is what you wish).
Officially Missing You, Granade, or When I Was Your Man.
Love on top is a killer but if you pass, you might want to use a song with a wider range or something like bang bang. HAHAHAHA.
officially missing you ^^
Good luck! You should sing Love on top
I'm sure you'll do great^^