Person of Interest

Spoiler alert.


Nooooooooooooo!!!!!! Shaaaaawwwww!!!!!!

My fav character died OTL

On the bright side its cause she is pregnant. Woohoo gratz.

But in the series... T.T


Just saying... none of my friends watch POI even though they are geeks :/


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I never watched it but it semms pretty cool! I'm sorry your fave character died, it happens a lot for me when I'm watching a serie so I know how you feel :'(

It's sad they had to kill her, they could, idk, make her leave for a while and then come back... Or even do like in One Three Hill, one of the actresses was pregnant irl so they made her pregnant in the show :) That would have been cool since she would have had to leave during her pregnancy...

Well, anyway, hope you've got a second fave lol