「 ★ ESPARGO // Youni


KEOPIRIN — her members knew about her "coffee obsession" thus combining keopi (coffee) + serin | members
SEGOGI — he knew her weakness is her favorite dish thus combining bulgogi + serin | hanbin
PINOCCHIO — because of her pinocchio syndrome, she hiccups when she lies | everyone
HONGSEOK YEOJA — YG Staff who handled Mix & Match often sees Yang Hongseok in her in terms of fashion style | YG Staff & Employees
DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS — the members' parody/counterpart of 2NE1 Dara's role, mainly during interviews or events Serin is made to speak up or introduce the group first in contrary to her quietness | members, employees

birthday — 27 JUNE 1996
birth place — Jeonju, SK
hometown — Jeonju, SK + Seoul, SK

ethnicity — Korean
nationality — Korean

KOREAN — Native | born and raised in South Korea
ENGLISH — Fluent | took and currently taking English Lesson

blood type — A


by Midnight-tinkerbelle (imma)

— Beauty is on the inside and the outside

face claim — Gam Dain
back up — Suzy Bae | Miss A Suzy

height — 169 cm
weight — 53 kg

Serin has normal body type, not too skinny nor too y nonetheless she has curves that if she wore fitting clothes, it shows. She has long black hair, she doesn't like short hair so she just trims her hair whenever it gets too long. Unlike most Koreans, Serin has double eyelids and chocolate brown eyes with pointy nose and small pinkish lips. She has a crown birthmark on her right arm, making her sort-of princess.  Lastly, Serin has delicate long fingers showing that she have the hands of a pianist.

fashion style
— gotta look hella fresh all day every day

Serin's fashion style is very feminine rather than hiphop-ish but she's the mix-and-match style. She likes to wear comfortable clothes, winter clothes, laced clothes, oversized shirts or plain cardigans that she can match with her variety of shorts, jeans and skirts. She wears dresses that are laced, plain colored or with minimal designs topped with cardigans or knitted shirts. Her choice of footwear are always flat doll shoes and sneaker-type shoes, she seldom wears high heels unless she needed to. She often wears snapback caps where she can hide her hair inside it. Whenever she's going out, expect her to always have a red Jansport knapsack on her back with black headphones around her neck. Lastly, Serin always keep her hair tied or in a bun whenever she's in studios/practice room otherwise her hair is always laid down.

(left to right) dorm, dance practice, airport, casual, dress, formal attire

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— natural charm comes from natural personality

+ positive traits : laidback, respectful, good-natured, uprighteous
+ neutral : honest, quiet
+ negative traits : standoffish, forgetful, passive, rude

"You know very well that I can't lie." During variety shows, interviews or any on-cam events, when Serin is asked of something about her or what they do, she is notable for being honest like really telling them everything and whenever this happen the members always cuts her off. Because she's a Pinocchio (she'll hiccup when she lies that why she's honest all the time whether it can make you smile or frown), is the reason why she tends to be quiet most of the time, she is avoiding revealing the dorm secrets and other stuff that even off-stage in which she reveals the pranksters, fault-doers and even bad news, either they will say "Aish Serin-ah!" or "Serin-ah, you shouldn't have said that".

"It's a pleasure to meet you sunbaenim." Despite having the dont-come-near-me-or-else aura, Serin is civilized and respectful. She shows her nice personality to people who shows the same kind of nice-ness towards her thus making an impression that even if she's aloof, she's still a nice kid. Serin is the kind of girl who doesn't speak much yet shows her respect in action.

"Ice Princess is always my first impression." True to that, she's often decribed as an Ice Princess because of being aloof. Something like a stone person or robot because when she approach people, she speaks shortly like a robot programmed to speak short but with complete thought. On the light side, Serin speaks more than her usual four to five words in a sentence. Another thing that makes her an Ice Princess is she doesn't reveal her emotions easily, in other words reserved. She doesn't show much emotion that will make people think she doesn't care and just ignore everything around her. But she still reveals some emotion like happiness (when she's really happy to the point she looks like a laughing ahjumma), sadness, anger and other normal human emotions.

"They once told me that I'm an ice angel." Though she's the standoffish, Serin is still caring due to the fact that she always remind people close to her to take care of themselves, no skipping of meals or sleep a lot (in the form of post-it notes). She's sweet too that she shows genuine smile when someone uplifts her silent aura, also gives sweet words or prepares something for you when she's really in a good mood to drop them. She's also gentle in a way that she will take care of someone who is sick or hurt because of her, if she knows it's her fault she will immediately take care of you but expect her to be silent (that's her way of saying sorry). Don't forget the other thing that makes her ice angel maknae, Serin having the innocent and uprightness character. Innocent in terms of mature things, she would often ask her older brother or co-members when she doesn't understand a mature thing / topic being discussed but in cases ( for example she knew the mature things their talking about ) she would rather listen to gain knowledge than to join the conversation. Often called Disciplinary Officer Yang because she always correct, teach and remind her unnies (again in the form of post-it notes) to always do the right thing even in the simples situations but she always do it than saying it.

"Actually, I'm a clumsy goldfish in human form." Everyone knows that Avery has a memory of a goldfish, it means she's forgetful. Forgetful not only in choreography and vocal lines but also in things and people. She even calls it her "auto-erase syndrome" because she completely forgot things, faces, names or anything that her "brain" thinks unncessary for her. On the bright side, there are things she remembers instantly or if she keeps on repeating and telling herself to remember that or something. Sometime she will make post-it notes (this is where all the post-it notes come from) to remember everything. Not only forgetful but also clumsy, making any person's protective instinct arise whenever they are with her. Her clumsiness happens when she's half-asleep, her mind is wandering on other things or uninterested; the clumsiness can be seen in dance practices where she forget the steps and then you'll see her tumbling to the ground. Fellow member most of the time helps her to get up and remember things but when she do, she gives her hundred percent even if just practice. Another positive note is that these clumsiness and forgetfulness never happens on stage, like some kind of a magic because at that time Serin is possessed with determination to prove to everyone that she deserves to be an idol.

"I'm the little wallflower." Serin is the kind of girl who's passive. Letting everything happen like whatever it may be she can adapt to the changes because she knew she have to like nothing is permanent in this world. Even in group decision-makings, she let everyone decide but if something is not fair for her part that's the moment she speaks up. This shows her laidback personality or someone who doesn't like to panic; watching everything happens while people around her are in chaos. For Serin, she rather let everything speak up or happen first before responding because she believes that summing up all suggestions or analyzing and understanding everything first wil result to better and effective solution. She's the kind of girl who accepts things easily as they were but not all the time.

"You know, it's best if you shut up." She can be careless (talk and action) if she's totally pissed off, angry or not in a good mood. She shows her rude side by saying harsh words, sarcastic remarks and straight-forward talking that shows off her sharp-tongue. She can be violent too but only if you pushed her to be. If you've done something (really) bad to her, she forgives but never forgets as she says "I wil forgive you but I will never trust and believe you".


— likes

one — "coffee, anyone?" coffee is her daily dose of essential vitamins
two — "picture picture!" she loves to take worth-keeping photos of people, places and random things
three — "have you read this one?" she loves to read novels of any genre for inspiration in music and life
four — "what time is it? winter time!" it is her favorite season
five — "you are the music in me~" she expresses her emotions through music and singing to songs
SIX — "bulgogi oh bulgogi, where art thou?" her all-time favorite dish that she can eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner

— dislikes

one — "tss, showoff." she hates arrogant people who thinks they're the best in everything
two — "i hope you're not a free-rider." she doesn't like people who don't have any hardworking bone in their body
three — "enclosed places? no." she thinks she will be trapped in enclosed places and die from suffocation
four — "sorry, i don't eat chili." she believes that spicy food can hurt her voicebox so won't take any
five — "i don't want to look like a walking clown" she doesn't like too much makeup on her face

— habits

one — serin talks nonsense when she's nervous
two — she has the habit of stating the obvious in every situation
three — she walks back and forth if she's troubled and bothered
four — serin crosses her arms and bites her lower lip if she's pissed off or angry
five — she strolls in nearby biking area whenever she's worn out or stressed
SIX — serin hides in the a large cabinet or under the bed/large table whenever she sees lightning and hears thunder

— hobbies

one — playing musical instruments
two — reading novels
three — sleeping
four — taking random photos
five — memorizing choreography and singing lines

— other facts

⇒ she has coffee obsession (she loves everything related to coffee and can drink 3-4 cups of coffee a day) and bulgogi obsession (she loves bulgogi so much she can survive a day with only bulgogi as her food stock).
⇒ serin is fond of fanservice.
⇒ she loves to eat sweet foods.
⇒ serin has fear of thunder and lightning.
⇒ she was once mistaken as Yang Sajangnim's daughter when she introduced herself as Ms. Yang.
⇒ she's a fan of Running Man and desperately wanted to be a guest.
⇒ serin's favorite colors are black, red and lavander.
⇒ serin can watch horror movies alone.
⇒ her father owns a coffee shop.
⇒ she's a high skool, a loyal epik high fan.
⇒ according to members, serin loves to dance to boygroup dances.
⇒ the only aegyo she mastered is the 'bbuing bbuing'.
⇒ she owns a piano figurine, it's her treasured item given by her deceased mother.
⇒ she loves plush toys.
⇒ she owns a samsung S4 and canon dslr, given by her father.
⇒ she has an instagram account (@serinyouni) and twitter account (@yangserin).
⇒ serin explained that her stage name "Youni" stands for You and I, which means Serin and her fans united to share music together.
⇒ serin always bring her phone, lip tint, pressed powder, alcohol, earphones and snapback with her wherever she goes.

— what's happened in the past, happens in the past

Serin was born in jeonju, south korea as an only child of happily married Yang Seunghoon and Im Seokhee. Her father worked as an executive employee in a coffee factory while her mother is a pianist that performs in their local theater operas. Being the only child, Serin grew up treated as a princess who can get anything she wants but she didn't grew up to be a spoiled girl because it was her good-natured mother who raised her. Ever since she listened to her mother playing the piano, Serin has already have the dreams of becoming a pianist and her mother taught her how to play the piano even teaching her vocal lessons. But during her high school year, her mother died of cancer and their family moved to Seoul to start anew. Her father then started to build his own coffee shop as their money source for daily living while she continued her study. 

Serin's passion for music grew more after her mother's death, but this time she accompanied it by listening to Epik High songs. She's not really a fan but when she was dragged to an Epik High concert where some of their songs really touched her heart, that's why she promised to herself she'll be like her mom, a performer who expresses her emotions through music and lyrics. Because of this interest, Serin asked her father's permission of granting her to audition in idol contests then after she auditioned in Kpop Star 2 using Epik High songs. Yet she failed to make it to the top finalists.

Serin's passion for music and determination to achieve her dream, she auditioned to YG Entertainment having her favorite audition pieces from Epik High. Unfortunately, she was rejected twice. Desperation comes when her father demanded her to stop her auditions and focus on her studies, she pleaded that if her last audition in YG Entertainment fails then she will give up her idol dream but if she pass he will let her chase her dream.

— family is forever

FATHER — Yang Seung Hoon // 40 // Alive // Coffee Shop Owner // Strict, Worry-wart, Protectice, Kind-hearted // Seunghoon treasures her daughter so much aside from being his only, Serin also reminds him so much of her deceased wife. For Serin, Seunghoon is the ebst father ever beacuse he supports her in everything she wants yet he sets strict rules she must abide knowing she's an only child and a girl too. Serin always follows her father that resulted her being a Daddy's Girl. He's protective too knowing her daughter can get into trouble having that Pinocchio syndrome, yet he wish someone will take care of her like how he treasures Serin.

MOTHER — Im Seok Hee // 37 // Deaceased // Pianist // Submissive, Good-natured, Hospitable // Seokhee is Serin's role model. She wants to be like her mother. She lives according to what her mother taught her that she should be a good girl in and outside their household for others to be nice to her as well. Even is Serin's mother is dead, she always visits her mother's grave whenever she feels so down with life.

— my family away from home

BEST FRIEND — Kang Min Yoo // 18 // YG Trainee // Quirky, Talkative, Friendly // They met when Serin made it to the last batch of auditionees and she was seated right next to Minyoo. The latter being talkative and friendly, eases Serin's nervousness and eventually gained a friend. When they both got accepted in the company, Serin treated her like a long lost sister. Minyoo is her emotion-absorber where Serin can tell her feelings and thoughts freely. On the other, Minyoo understands her that she became Serin's protector and mother while they were training. 

FRIEND — Lee Su Hyun // 15 // Idol - Akdong Musician // Humorous, Sassy, Charming // She was a trainee when Suhyun, who already debuted with her brother, served as their mentor for one of their monthly evaluation. Although Serin is older, she respects Suhyun as a sunbae. Meanwhile, Suhyun regarded her as her eonnie since Serin is quite mature and the fact that she's older.

FRIEND — Choi Lee Hyun // 20 // Barista // Aloof, Serious, Soft-spoken // Serin met Leehyun when she surprised her father by visiting their coffee shop, it was unfortunately an incident because she thought Leehyun was arobber and she was prepared to kick his when her father showed up and stopped her. Although Serin knew Leehyun wouldn't feel any remorse about that incident, she feels embarrased and always stiff whenever she's with him. Leehyun, on the other hand, is protective towards her knowing how hard idol life is and the fact that Serin's father asked him to look after Serin for him.

— life is too short and beautiful to be wasted, live on!

RELATION — Name // age // occupation // personality // relationship with your character

relation — Name // age // occupation // personality // relationship with your character

relation — Name // age // occupation // personality // relationship with your character




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Position —  triple threat
backup position—  lead vocalist

Rapping TWIN 01 — AOA Jimin [ 2NE1 Minzy ]
singing TWIN 02  AkMu Suhyun [ SNSD Tiffany ]
dancing TWIN 02  —  AOA Jimin [ SNSD Seohyun ]
talking TWIN 02  SNSD Seohyun [ F(x) Krystal ]

STRENGTHS — Family, Friends, Hanbin, Strong-willed personality
WEAKNESSES — Coffee & Bulgogi, Pinocchio Syndrome, Forgetful & Clumsy, Fears

Serin got accepted in her last try of audition in YG Entertainment. She got accepted by her soulful rap accompanied by her keyboard. She then became a trainee where she get the chance to meet her favorite group Epik High and other groups under YG Entertainment. During her trainee life, she was a member of Team D composed of five members where she stands as one of the rappers and composers of her team. Her training gave her first-hand experiences of dancing, composing, writing lyrics, singing and dancing plus the pressure given every evaluation. She also experienced getting into different teams yet she has a problem with dealing with others because of her personality. It didn't gave a reason for Serin to back out, her passion and determination to debut kept her intact.

Personal fanclub name — younion -- serin and her fans unite as one to share music together forever <3

personal fanclub color —  crimson + #DC143C


last comment — annyeong! this is my character serin, hope you like her. ^-^

scene requests —
» something like pre-occupied serin will be rescued by alert hanbin
» a date in the amusement park, serin got lost when it's raining and there's a thunder, hanbin is going crazy as to where he can find her knowing she's afraid of thunder. hanbin found her hiding in somewhere dark and serin after hearing hanbin soft-spoken words, she went to his embrace just as another thunder strikes.
» hanbin and serin will be doing troublemaker or now
» girls will have an argument few hours before their performance
» girls will have a special stage with other boy group
» serin will have an argument with other member
» during their interview/guesting, everyone was asked to the an aegyo. serin isn't fond of aegyo so when it's her turn she just said "oppa, keopi juseyo~" and did bbuing bbuing that made everyone laugh while serin was super embarrased

PASSWORD — none????


— song yunhyeong

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personality — 
+ positive traits : caring, understanding, transparent
+ negative traits : standoffish, straightforward, quiet

Hanbin displays a scary aura around him whenever he walks becaus eof the straight face he usually wear, but whenever he's with his friends that scary face disappears. He tends to be very quiet, reserved and stand-offish. He seems very sweet and kind-hearted that it's just his image that is very mysterious. He's the type where once you get to know him, he'll go all crazy on you and show you his weird side. Hanbin is also a soft-spoken, slow to snap but quick to react. If he's not aimlessly wandering around, he's probably just silently sticking to your side whenever you go.

With his demeanor, he's a person that does not speak unless spoken to, and the type of person who follows orders with no complaints. When he speaks, he has a habit of sounding quite rude, witty and straightforward, but his expressions and actions usually give away his real emotions. He can be childlike sometimes, enjoying simple things, having happy times with his friends and making special person happy. Despite this, Hanbin is a guy that is quick to learn and is a good listener. He smiles when he's being yelled at, or simple returns to someone's smile politely, but he was never the type of person to actually respond to someone verbally. 

relationship — 
Ever since that encounter, Hanbin seemed to be stiff towards her but he changed when she corrected Hanbin's first assesment about her being Yang sajangnim's daughter. Since then, Hanbin started to annoy and tease everytime he has the chance. They've been in a relationship for two months, they became a couple after Mix & Match. Wherein, Serin was there to watch the Final Match and congratulate the official members of iKON. 

They are the "opposite attracts" couple because of their contrasting personalities yet they still look perfect for each other. Like how Serin brings out the ssang namja side of Hanbin and how Hanbin does aegyo for her loving Serin. Hanbin visits her if he has free time from practice, sometimes he asks her on secret dates where they can compose songs or dance together.

Hanbin always intiates the conversation by bickering at her until they're nonsense argument turned into serious topics about their lives, career or future. He enjoys teasing her and seeing pissed off because he thinks she looks cute whenever Serin loses at their argument. He likes everything about her even if they always bicker at each other, for him Serin is just the most interesting and unique person in the world.

Serin brings out the protective and manly him because of her clumsiness, forgetfulness and honesty that always caused her trouble. He likes protecting her, it's his way of showing how much she means to him. He can be aggressive especially if Serin doesn't pay attention to him, or if her mind is wandering off that Serin may result to not paying attention to everything at all. Hanbin gets easily jealous when Serin is too close with another man, either he will threaten Serin into something or going to bribe her something so he can get her attention. Serin will just hide her smiles and laughs whenever she sees Hanbin jealous.

They always call and text each other when they're not together, asking each other what are they doing and talking about random stuff. Their calls will last for hours and sometimes they texts would be just emoticons but they still understand each other. They do skinship such as arm-linking, Hanbin's arm over Serin's shoulder or him backhugging her which simply tells "Back off, Serin is mine!". Hanbin always hold her hand and intertwine their hands together whenever they have time to be each others sides, he will also steal kisses from her either in Serin's cheeks or lips. Since he's taller than her, Hanbin always grab the oppurtunity to surprise her by backhugging or secretly whispering to her ears from behind. When he backhugs her, Hanbin rests his head above Serin's head or Serin's shoulder. Lastly, when they're bidding each other goodbye Hanbin will hug her tight and kisses her head then bids goodbye.

history — 
Serin met Hanbin when she mistakenly entered Team B's practice room where she saw Hanbin dancing to some hiphop song. Hanbin noticed her standing in the doorway, Serin then apologizes and although embarrassed, asked him where she can find the room for new trainees. Hanbin sighed and paused his player and wallk towards her.

As he walks, Hanbin told her the directions. She thanked him in return and bids goodbye but before she can bow again and walk away, he stopped her by her shoulder. He's asking for her name. "Me? I'm Yang Serin, new trainee."

"Yang? He answered back and looked at her from head to toe. Intimidated by his sudden suspicious gaze, she bowed and started to walk yet she was stopped again when she heard him say "Goodluck, see you around Ms. Yang." She just awkwardly nodded and continued to walk with thoughts that maybe the guy mistaken her for being Yang Sajangnim's daughter. "Oh well." Serin said to herself.

other — 
trivia about them:
* They have a son. A huge Rilakumma plush toy they bought after Mix and Match, and named him Hanrin (a combination of their names).
* Serin calls him Hanniebin while Hanbin calls her Segogi.
They don't disturbed each other whenever one is busy.
They love to eat street foods.
They like to have picnic date, movie or arcade date in disguises.
* Hanbin doesn't love coffee but Serin made him love it.
They play pepero game.
They play rock-paper-scissors when they don't agree in one thing.
They wanted to be casted on Running Man or We Got Married.
Serin is currently teaching Hanbin how to play some music instruments while Hanbin teaches her sound mixing.
* Hanbin's mother approved their relationship but Hanbyul (Hanbin's sister) is quite stiff around her because Hanbyul thinks Serin is taking away Hanbin from her.
* iKON members knew about their relationship, she is close with iKON members because of Hanbin and sometimes they call her Leader's Weakness for fun.
( their interactions were like krystal jung & kang minhyuk in the heirs XD )



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