Spanish & Portuguese Speakers


So I just wanted to let any Spanish or Portuguese speakers know that I speak both languages. So, if you struggle with English, just go right ahead and speak in Spanish/Portuguese. I WILL understand you. My responses might take a while because I only speak Portuguese at home, and Spanish when I meet Spanish speakers so I need to think a bit, but I can understand it all.

I have noticed an increase of subscribers and quite a few of you are Spanish speakers, so I don't want there to be a language barrier. I want to get to know all of you. ^^

So if you struggle to write in English or you're self conscious about it, PLEASE write in Spanish/Portuguese!

It'll be practice for me, and I can help you practice English! ^^ *grins*

LOVE YOU ALL, BABIES. *flying kisses*



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Marianations #1
Eu también.
pilikpoplove #2
¿Bueno? But in internet life i'm used to think in english, though if you need to practice spanish talk to me in it XD.
..... falas português?! wow, isso é altamente, és a primeira pessoa que "conheço" na internet que fala português o:
( hih, i don't really have hard times with English but i was kinda shocked that you know portuguese, sorry ;__; )
Lol lol teach me more abt grammar hahaha XD