{SHORT COVER} Wiggle Wiggle - Hello Venus

First off, I failed terribly at being y. HAHAHAHAHA

and I can't beat Lime's swag. cries. you so swag Lime ; ; 

and actually I was bored so decided to cover something so here it is. But a short one, bcs I actually have to do my homework that my teacher gave for around a month ago that I haven't done and school is starting next week.

I'm such a legend. lmaojk 

so yeah, sorry if my voice kinda hurt your ears because this song is too high for me. gahahaha. 

alright. bye

wiggle wiggle is actually catchy when you listened to it a lot of time. idek lmao. but yeah. hohoh that shirt lifting dance tho- asdfghjkl /shot

H-E-L-L-O Venus 



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hommage #1
honestly seoyeong's parts...