i wore heels for this?

yup, my title says it all...

i went out to eat with a guy that asked me out before and i've said no. last night i got off work early and i was happy. i thought finally, i have time to sleep. then i get a call from this guy and he asked me to watch a band that i listen to. i agreed, i dressed nice and wore heels. it started out okay, but he suggested dinner and i was hungry after all so i agreed.

we ate. then when we were going to pay he said, "wow, i didn't think you were going to eat that much."


that much?

i work a 12 hours a day about 5-6 days a week, my job is physical and stressful. then you're complaining that i ordered a steak with baked potatoes and steamed veggies?!? i drank water... plus, i was going to pay for me own meal! top it off, he orders a sampler that which costed more and 3 beers. i was slightly embarrassed at the register but saved face with paying for my dinner as well as his.

took a taxi to the show and he was like, i don't like to dance to music like this. ugh... i thought to myself, why did you even ask to take me? it just wasn't going as planned. i got asked to dance with another guy which i did. then he says, "if you don't mind, i think i'm going to be leaving early."


i knew there was a reason i kept giving excuses not to go on a date with this guy. anyway, the other guy that i danced with was like you can hang out with me if you want. which i did. i hung out with some guys that were way older than me but were still gentlemen. had an okay night, i left the show before it ended.

all in all, i was just seriously annoyed with guy. he kept telling me how he would sweep me off my feet or show me a good time... puh-geez!!! it was lame. lame.

anyway, i had to rant... sorry.


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hahaha. the guy is so annoying. not yet a gentleman XD

but...he wants to go out with you...so that means he likes you? haha anyway...did you tell him that you're annoyed? maybe you should tell him so he can improve. lol.
He's a loser! XD

Love ya sis!
wow. im glad you got rid of him :/ better kick his to the curb as soon as possible lol^^ im sorry you had to deal with that.