I am so upset right now, why me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys,

Today I have been embarrassed by the girls who usually make comments about me or say things during class…I feel like crying and while the did what I am about to tell you one girl goes ‘you’re not having a panic attack are you’ and laughed after saying it..

I was doing revision during Science class today and all of the people around me started talking about a girl that left the school last year due to bullying but they didn’t remember her name and I stupidly told them the name… but after that  I was using my phone to find out something but these girls took my phone out of my hands and when I tried to get it back I was held down by the others. They went on my Facebook and found some of the Koreans I teach English to and started messaging one the showed me the messages…

Them > Hey Love you

Me> Sorry that was not me… (I had managed to get my phone to send this but they took it)

Him > What?! I’m so shy…haha

Them > I’m sorry it was me, I’ve liked you for a long time now! Do you like me? Xxx

Him > Maybe…Yes?? haha

Them > Aww, Okay so what do you like about me (insert kissy faces *cries*)

Him > Your eyes, Your heart ( he put a love heart)

Them > Thank you I like your heart too xx

Him > Ohhh…Really????? I like lovely girls (he put a love heart)

Them > I like lovely boys ( faces) < I was literally crying at this point

Him > Welcome to my heart sweetie

Them > Your welcome babe

Him > ( lots of love hearts)

^^ after that they gave me my phone back and went out of the class screaming ’we got Sophie Curtis a Korean boyfriend’ I was like shut up no you didn’t….I don’t like this person either the boy they sent it to, I just help him with his English.

I was so embarrassed and when I explained what happened to the boy he wrote ‘awww hahaa so funny’ I can’t believe these girls did this to me and now he won’t talk to me I hate this and what’s worse those girls went up to all the people in my year and told them about what they did… I will go to school tomorrow and have people come up to me….  

I just want to curl up and die right now… I couldn’t even bring myself to speak because I felt my anxiety build up… *cries in my room*

I’m going to go now I have to find pictures of Xiumin for art, I have to create a piece of work that has Minseok close up with Seoul behind him with me sitting at a café in the background all in Pencil… I am getting B grades in art so let’s hope this goes well cause it’s my real art exam.

Bye Bye


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Oh god. That's horrible.