
Why can't i sleep?It's nearly half past three and i'm still wide awake.but i'm tired..


.And today was urgghh...this one guy want to be...bla bla bla.we barely know each other.whats up with him?-___-

I was like going to reply like this:

"Sorry,i'm only interested in hot korean guys with chocolate abs only!!!!!!"

but then,that would be rude so i politely turned him down and he's still...nyeeehh whatever -____-


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hahaha...well it's just like joking around with my friend. he start the game first then i just follow....
Slytherinese #2
Told her already.hope he won't kacau me at school.i just want to know what did he want actually,i mean i'm not attractive and such why would he want couple with me?Did the amnesia really work?AHAHA later people will call me gila :p
seriously, u better tell ur cousin, to tell him, u r not interested~~hahaha....amnesia tu i slalu main ngn my close buddy...do i know u?
Slytherinese #4
LOL at amnesia..i just dont get him.We barely know each other,i mean we pernah jadi classmate kat sekolah agama dulu but we never talked to each other and that was a few years ago and then out of the blue he told my cousin to ask me if he can be my boyfriend?i mean wth was that?i think its a joke but yeahhh..
pretend like u have temporary amnesia, forgetting u know him<br />
or better still if he bothers u again just rudely said it...<br />
i'm not interested~~~
Slytherinese #6
i did.but he's my cousin's classmate..so annoying >:|
ignore him~~~