V.O.X | Choo SeulHee | Romeo & Juliet


other names
— Andrea  //  This is her Spanish name and actual real name.
— Chu/Miss Chu  //  Because of the sound of her lastname, by love interests.please imegine the feels when got7 performed mr. chu btw
— Hurricane  //  Since she creates a mess everywhere she goes. By members.

— Nyan Cat  //  Given by her members since her stage name is Zyanya.
— Skinship Monster  //  Since she's always touchy with everyone.
— Lispy Baby  //  Because of her slight lisp. By everyone she's close to when they want to make her mad.
— Seulie / HeeHee  //  Nicknames that come from her name.
— Andy  //  By her family because of her Spanish name 'Andrea'. Sometimes members call her this also.
— Seoul City  //  Since 'Seul' means 'Seoul' in Spanish actually it's 'Seúl' but yea. She thinks this is really lame but likes it anyway. It's even part of her name account in Instagram.

birthday — June 27, 1996
birth place — Jalisco, Mexico
hometown —Jalisco, Mexico

ethnicity — Korean-Mexican
nationality — Mexican

languages —
— Spanish // Fluent // She's obviously fluent. SeulHee loves talking in Spanish, and because she reads a lot, she has a really long and fancy vocabulary. And not just in normal words, but also in cursing words. She knows a lot of cursing words in Spanish and she used to talk with them out loud, not caring about her ''girly'' image.
— Korean // Semi-fluent // She has good grammar, but her pronunciation and hangul is just a fail. She can't read hangul properly and often gets words twisted. Her pronunciation is kinda better, but she has that thick Mexican accent. When she doens't know how to say a word, she just says it in Spanish or English and ends up talking in Spanish.
— English // Semi-fluent // SeulHee is pretty much self-taught in English. She had English on her school but because of the Internet, she just started learning more and more, to the point where her English is perfect in gramatical matters. Her pronnunciation is what kinda ruins it. She's good, but she has problems with long words and speaks with a thick Mexican accent.

blood type — A da aneundae wae jakku sumgyeo

choo seulhee

by pokerfaceddeer (rainy)

— i am beautiful, i will always be beautiful, even if it is only to myself.

 tumblr_myatmialOX1syfr39o4_500.pngtumblr_mrp76qBiCS1rz4enpo1_500.pngtumblr_my2zwrUcTJ1qfh5cto1_500.pngface claim — Eom Yoon Min (x) (x)
back up — Park Seul (x)

height — 156cm
weight — 48kg

Extra features
''I'm not perfect, honey'' Even though Mexicans normally have tanned skin, she has really pale skin. She has large, deer-like eyes with a little hint of Almond color on them. She has long wavy hair, th color being clear brown. Her skin isn't that fair and without make-up you can see some pimples and darkpoints in her face, mostly in her forehead and nose. She has a scar on her chin, resulting from a fall she had when she was 5, it's practically unnoticeable with make-up, but without it it isn't. She has a mole in the eyelid of her right eye. As most of Mexican women, SeulHee is a really short girl, standing at 156cm tall. Everyone knows that SeulHee isn't that skinny, mainly because of the little rests of baby fat that are still left in her cheeks. SeulHee has a really good, natural body considering the facts that she doesn't exercise and her age. If there's something she feels proud off, it's her legs. She has long legs despite her shortness, and she has muscular thigs inherited from her mother. kinda like hyosung's or luna's

fashion style
— clothes on, clothes off. visable personality.

''Touch my babies and say bye-bye to your hands'' She wears winter clothes all the year, even in the summer. It's almost the only thing she has on her closet. If she doesn't wear sweaters, she wears long-sleaved shirts. She loves hoodies and sweatshirts and wears them on her dorm all the time. She only wears sneakers as her shoes and loves converses with a passion. She likes wearing beanies and knitted scarves. Her signature are her headphones, she has them on her neck all the time. They're all blingy cause she loves blingy things and her headphones are her babies. You touch them, you die.
CASUAL —      
DORM —       
PRACTICE —       
FORMAL —      


(+)/positive traits - outgoing, talkative, positive, energetic, funny, passionate
(-)/negative traits - dramatic, sassy,clingy, lazy, messy, self-conscious


''I'm as cute as a dying penguin'' SeulHee looks like she's all cute and shy at first sight, but just spend more than 10 minutes with her and hell she isn't. She's just a little devil. She's very straight-forward. Inprudent, and tends to interrupt people as a bad habit. Since she's an actress, she's a really good liar, but she lies a lot. Even when she doesn't want to. It's almost an habit. She gets stressed really easily. She's messy and careless about everything, with exceptions. She doesn't take nothing seriouslyto be honest. Even when she's getting scolded, she'll still be laughing in her mind thinking of some random thing. She acts like a child sometimes.
''Everything you can do today, leave it for tomorrow'' Her nickanme ''Hurricane'' isn't just because. She is really messy, her bedroom is always untidy. It has clothes, CDs, plusies, pillows, posters, food, and a lot more of things all over it. Since she's lazy she dislikes cleaning it, and it stays like that a looong trime until she gets scolded and has to clean it. Her laziness is no joke, sometimes she'll be just to lazy to even eat. And that's saying to much since she loves food more than people. She sleeps a lot and is hard to wake her up.
''My words bother you? Well, your existence bother me but I'm not saying anything, am I?'' She's straight-forward and can get very sassy when she's not on her mood. She curses a lot, in the 3 languages she knows, but preffers doing it in Spanish since no one understands it. She finds really hard to express her gratitude, so she's always labeled as 'ungrateful' or 'disrecpectful brat'. She's the biggest Drama Queen ever, makes a big fuss out of any little problem and she has a Diva attitude most of the time. People normally think that SeulHee's worst flaws are being sassy, dramatic and kinda y. She has a sharp-tongue and always fights back.
''I'm always the same. On-stage and off-stage'' SeulHee doesn't like pretending to be someone who she's not. In all the variety shows, stages and even interviews, she'll always be her loud, sassy self. She totally despises those idols who pretend to be all cuite-patootie in public's eyes but right when they get off the scenary, they're just idiots. She wants to be sincere with herself and ehr fans. She doesn't like following scripts for the programs, and even she would pretend to learn them, just to do the opposite thing on the program.
''I'm still the moodmaker, honey'' Even though members get annoyed by her, they love her because of the beautiful person she hides on the inside. When everyone is feeling tired of practices, she would start dancing and singing for motivating the others, even when she's tired and can't move anymore. She would always listen to her members when they have a problem and comfort them if she has too. When the group fights, she'll always be the first one to lighten up the mood. She'l always put the member's safety before her's. She doesn't care if she doesn't get to tell her problems to the members, if they're okay, she's okay.Always scream a 'Fighting!' before any interview, program, show or anything to motivate the members. So yeah, that kinda makes her the mood maker also. She never cries, and if she does, she'll do it alone, since she hates making other people worried about her. If she's sad, she'll always fake a smile and say 'I'm okay, don't you dare to worry'. 
''Thank you...''She really cares about her fans and what people comment about her, that's why she's always answering Twitter and constantly follows her fan's acccounts. If she sees a fan who's feeling down, she'll send him or her a comforting message. She likes to smile to cameras at airports, and often gives autographs to the fans she finds on street and loves taking pictures with them. She also thanks fans a lot. She'll keep doing this because she tends to feel lonely really easily, but seeing all the suport makes her happy and it shakes off the feeling of loneliness for a little bit of time, even when it's still there. When she's sad, her way of shaking it off is writing lyrics and singing along with her keyboard until sun rises again. Even when she doesn't show it, she's still a bit insecure of her body and he singing skills. She'll always think she's fat compared to the other girls on the group, and she despises that feeling. She tries to ignore the comments from haters and acts like she doesn't care, but she does. Nobody really knows about this problem of her


— likes

one — Coffe // ''It's not an obsseion, it's just... I can't live without it. Coffe is my soulmate.''
twoSkinship // ''Yeah, I'm pretty clingy and touchy. I acknowledge this.''
threeMusic //  ''I pretty much like very genre, but specially alternative, rock, metal, classic music and okbviously Kpop. The only genres I don't really like are ballads and dubstep. Howewer, I do like like some songs like Skryllex' Bangarang and TaeYeon sunbaenim's Closer.''
four Mexican food // ''I was born in Mexico and lived there for 13 years of my young life, so it'pretty obvious that I like Mexican food. Probably the thing I miss the most from Mexico. Especially tamales /uglysobs.''
five  Gabriel García Marquéz // ''HE'S TRULY AWESOME OKAY. If you don't know him, he's a Colombian writer. My favorite book form him is Crónica de Una Muerte Anunciada a.k.a Chonicle Of A Death Foretold.''
six— Classic literature // ''I like reading Shakeaspeare, Robert Louis Stevenson, Octavio Paz and all that jazz. One of my favorite books is The Strange Case Of Jekyll And Mr. Hyde, but I also love love love Harry Potter.'' 
seven — Rainy days // ''It's probably the only thing along with music that can make me happy and relaxed.''
Eight — BTOB, B1A4 & Boyfriendshe has thing for 'b' groups // ''My favorite Kpop groups okay. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. MY FANGIRL FEELS.''  

— dislikes

one — Exercise // ''You get all sweaty and ugh. It's disgusting.''
twoAlcohol // ''I don't even understand how people like that... thing. It tastes and smells horrible.''
three — Shopping // ''It stresses me off. Nuff said.''
four — Silence // ''It make sme really really reaaally anxious.''
five — Make-Up // ''It's so annoying to wear it every single day.''
six — Sunny days // ''It's too hot and it also makes me perspire.''
seven — Cooking // ''Cooking? Me? HAHAHAHAHA-No. I burn cereal with milk.''
eight — Cats // ''Those little and stupid balls a fluff with cute deceiving faces... They plot world domination. Did you know that cats are really sensible to vibrations and can detect an earthquake? But do they tell us anything? No. Because cats are s.''credits to 9gag

— habits

one — Hitting people to show her love // ''It's just... I can't help it. BamBam's arms are really bruised because of that.''
two —  her lips // ''Okay, seriously. This happens whay too often. I my lips everytime before and after speaking. I can't control that.''
three — Biting her nails // ''I'm the headache of our stylists.''
four Playing with her member's hair when nervous // ''No comments over here.''
five Cursing // ''Specially in Spanish, honey. I can't help it either.''
six Lying and interupting people // ''This is really bad but I can't stop with it.''

— hobbies

one — Composing // ''Just for fun.''
two — Writing lyrics // ''It really helps me to drown sadness and stress.''
three — Watching variety shows and survival shows // ''I'm really addicted to them. I love Wekkly Idol and Mix&Match. iKON FTW.''
four — Searching in the Internet for herself and V.O.X members // ''I just want to see what netizens and international fans think about us! is that bad?''
five — Listening to music // ''It makes me relaxed. That's why my headphones ar ealways in my neck.''

— other facts

ONE — Full name // ''So, my actual full name is Andrea SeulHee Choo Reséndiz because in most Mexican names, you havve a middle name and both lastanmes, and yeah, my Korean name is my middle name. However, I preffer using my name in the Korean form.''
two Stage name meaning // ''My stage name 'Zyanya' means 'Forever' in Zapotec. It was featured on the book Aztec by Gary Jennings, which I read when I was 13 years old and  my grandfather originally wanted me to be named 'Zyanya', so that's it. It's pretty meaningful to me.''
three Coffee nerd // ''Thanks to my uncle who introduced me to the oh-so beautiful world of coffee, I know a lot about types of coffee and my favorite one is Colombian coffee.''
four Spanish // ''People say that when I get excited I start talking in Spanish. I can't help it okay!''
five Musicals // ''My favorite musical is Wicked. All the way.''
six Caligraphy // ''My caligraphy is really bad, in both hangul and normal writing. It's just unreadable.''
seven Music taste // ''My favorite Kpop groups are B1A4, Boyfriend, Infinite and BTOB. But my favorite band is Paramore and I have a wild love for Beethoven anf Vivaldi.''
eight  Lisp // ''I have a really slight lisp, but noticeable enough for people to make fun of me. I despise that idiotic thing, seriusly.''
nine  Aegyo // ''I hate doing aegyo, and hate it when people do in excess and don't know how to do it. SPECIALLY YOU BAMBAM SYOP IT GOD DAMNIT. Anyways, I have really awkward aegyo and end up looking scary instead of cute.''
ten Cursing // ''I curse a lot in the three language I know, specially in Spanish since no one undestands it kekeke.''
eleven — Common words // ''I say 'Omo', 'Aigo', 'Oh My God', 'Whatever' and 'Anyway' all the time. And also 'God Damnit' when I'm mad or stressed.''
twelve — Intrument wise // ''I know how to play piano and guitar.''
thriteen  Unnie, Oppa, Noona, Donsaeng // ''I hate those words with a passion. They're annoying as hell. However, I really like the 'Noona' and the 'Donsaeng' ones. ESPECIALLY WITH BAMBAM.''
fifteen Contact // ''I still contact my family in Mexico everytime I can.''
sixteen Favorite songs // 'My faovirte songs are totally B1A4's Road and How Many Times, Boyfriend's Little By Little and Goodnight, Paramore's Misery Bussines, BTOB's Happening and Hello, and GOT7's Magnetic because Bam's voice is oh-so cute on that one.''


— my background/past shaped me, it will always shape me. It created me.

Her parents met when Choo HeeJun, a Korean man from Gwanju came to Mexico where one of the headquarters of the company he worked at was being built in said country. He met his workmate Pamela Reséndiz and they evtually fell in love. They married around 3 years later after being in a relationship. And when they accomplished their 1st anniversary of marriage, Andrea Choo was born. The toddler was a little ball of sunshine that everyone loved. She was a popular kid at the kindergarten just because of that. Since that time she was really outgoing and her personality attracted people to her. However, nothing was rainbows and happiness in SeulHee's life, seeing that her parents divorced right after she turned 4 years old. She wasn't that affected with it, since she doesn't really remember. After her dad returned to Korea, SeulHee and her mom lived with her uncle and her grandfather. They were middle-class family, unlike with her father, who had more money since he had a higher position at work. They often struggled with money since her mother rfused to accept money from her father.
Her mom was hardly at home at that time because work had her really busy and her uncle went to hish school at that time, so she spent time with her grandfather who instantly became her father figure. The older one always read books to her, which made SeulHee a fairytale-lover and an imaginative kid. Her love for music grew when her granfather played music for her, and even though it was mostly opera and classic music, she became interested for it and actually searched by herself between the extense collection of music albums of her house. She learned how to use a computer since she was at a young age, she started searching for even more music when she was 10 and actually discovered Kpop. Maybe it was because of her Korean decendance, but she just fell in love with that music. She started listening to Girl's Generation and Super Junior; the typical. She would often start singing and dancing the songs when she was alone at her house or at the shower. Like that, she came to have a nice singing voice and acceptable dancing skills for a girl of her age. She hid it from her family because she didn't want to be a burden with her growing dream of becoming a singer, but her family evantually found out and actually encouraged her to keep singing, taking her to some singing classes and also guitar classes.
SeulHee decided that she wanted to return to Korea when she was 14 years old in the year of 2010, and so she did, even though her family was hurting and so was SeulHee, she wanted to pursue her dream of becoming a singer. She lived with her father but the things were awkward with him, so she often spent time at the house of her high shcool friends. She knew that JYP was holding open audtions through her bestfriend, so her bestfriend pestered SeulHee until she made and audition for JYP. She luckily got in and trained there for 3 years. She decidedm to quit JYP because of the trainees that bullied her, at the start she didn's mind, but it got physical when the girls threw water to SeulHee while she was dancing, which caused her to fall and twist her ankle. When she quit JYP, she lived secretly in the same dorm where BamBam was since she didn't want to return to her father's house. When her ankle was better, she saw in Internet that SM was holding open auditions, so she auditioned and luckily got in.


— we will always be there, even if we are not there.

mother Pamela Reséndiz Hernández // 52 // lawyer // caring, strict, serious // Even though SeulHee is close to her mother, they did have a lot of disagreements and fights. Now they're kinda better.
father — Choo HeeJun // 53 // lawyer // serious, dense, humoristic // Awkward. Nuff said.
uncle — Miguel Reséndiz Hernández // 24 // student // funny, outgoing, sassy // He was SeulHee's playmete, seeing how he was rally young when SeulHee moved in with them. Now they're really close.
grandfather — Eduardo Reséndiz Arana // 76 // retired literature teacher // loving, sweet, funny // SeulHee loves his grandather and is very grateful to him, because without him, she wouldn't have dicovered music.


— we are a family, but we will never be your true family.

best friend — Yook HyeMi/Brianna Yook // 18 // Trainee (JYP) // sassy, diva-like, funny //They were the biggest troublemakers of JYP. They know everything about each other. She was her first friend in Korea since they both went to the same high school and HyeMi was the one to convince SeulHee to join JYP. Since HyeMi is also a foreigner, being Korean-American, they both undestod each other a lot.
friend — Park ''Jr.'' JinYoung // 20 // Idol (GOT7) // kind, caring, naggy // They met when they filmed Dream High 2. They had a small love line in the drama, which lead them to grow closer.
friend — Mark Lee // 15 // Trainee (SM Rookies) // sweet, outgoing, funny // He's pretty muvh SeulHee's most beloved donsaeng besides BamBam. And yeah, BamBam is jealous as hell of this little boy, but doesn't worry much since he knows that if SeulHee likes him she will go to jail for molestation.


— without us, who is there to do anything else?

ideal typeSeo EunKwang // 24 // Idol (BTOB) // loud, outgoing, clingy // She thinks he's really funny and even though people see him as ''not atractive'' she thinks he's handsome and has gorgeous smile. And she's also in love with his voice.She thinks he's the best vocalist out of all the male idols- really. She cried just by hearing him sing.
Role model — Lee ''Sunny' SunKyu // 25 // Idol(SNSD) // outgoing, kind, cute  // She thinks Sunny is really pretty and confident. She wants to be like that too. And since she's a great DJ, She's SeulHee's inspiration.

secret garden
— don't just dream about it, go and make it happen

stage name — Zyanya
persona — The Threathical Hurricane

fanclub Name — Hurricanes
fanclub color — Desatured Cyan, #88D1C4

SINGING TWIN — Apink's HaYoung
DANCING TWIN — Red Velvet's Irene
TALKING/VARIETY TWIN — For talking twin it would be KARA's YoungJi. For variety, I don't think there's no one like SeulHee ;u; It could be a mix of BTOB's IlHoon, SungJae and Apink's Bomi.

TRAINEE YEARS — 4 (3 in JYP and 1 in SM)
TRAINEE LIFE — Being a trainee wasn't that difficult for her, she had a great time even when she was tired and had to buy new sneakers very single week. At JYP she was friends with a lot of trainees, but there was a group of trainees that bullied her because of her ethnicity. She didn't mind about them at first, and jsut ignored them and continued with her life. When she quit JYP and entered SM everyhting changed for her. She had more tortous training periods but she had didn't have any enemies anymore, so she was happy.

— Acted as Lee Seul in Dream High 2 and as Kim JooAh in High School: Love On.
— Was in Henry's Fantastic.

— MC at Music Bank or Inkigayo and maybe some variety show? Like Weekly Idol?
— Constant guest on After School Club
— Her own radio show some years later
— June 30, 2015 // V.O.X' Zyanya caught cursing in the airport // A fan-camera of her at the airport caught her cursing in Spanish to one of her members in joking way, but netizens took it very seriously. She decided to just apologize. // True 
— Surprise me :'D


last comment — BAMBAM WILL BE 18 IN FIVE MOTNHS OKAY. JUST FIVE MONTHS. And 19 in Korea so yea. Anyways,sorry for any grammar mistakes, I'm Mexican so English isn't my native language<3 Also sorry for any typos you see cuz I'm lazy lazy. Anyways, hope you like my baby SeulHee<3 Hwating author-nim!♥ Oh yeah, and I added some color, pictures and changed the main picture sizes, hope you don't mind<3 

scene requests —
// A SeulHee solo stage with Cher Lloyd's Swagger Jagger ;u;
// SeulHee getting mad and exploding with Spanish cursing.
// SeulHee and BamBam having a random duet in a radio show.
//  BamBam dedicating BTOB's Hello Mello to her, but she doesn't get it and then he dedicates her Magnetic, but she still doesn't get it.
// BamBam stealing Seul's first kiss and maybe after that some drama, ohoho?

password —
SPICA's Tonight & FIESTAR's Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

Kunpimook ''bambam'' bhuwakul
— park ''jr.'' jinyoung

personality — BamBam is kinda like SeulHee; he's the one to look alll cute and fluffy, throwing aegyo randomly at everyone, but then he becomes an irrespectful little brat who just loves to interrupt people and playing jokes on them. He's a really out-going and extrovert person, you'll always see him being loud and many people thinks he's just straight crazy. Despite all of that, he can be really sweet and caring when he wants to. He has really romantic side on his personality that barely shows off. He gets jealoud kinda easily; cue SeulHee's tons of male friends and you have a really anxious Kunpimook. 

relationship — BamBam and Seulhee are best-friends. They both love each other's company. Since they have similar personalities, they're always joking with each other and having fun. Anyone could mistake them as a couple. BamBam has an obvious huge crush on SeulHee that everyone knows about, except SeulHee. He often gets teased with SeulHee, but they doesn't care. They like showing their closseness. He teases her because of her heigth, since they have a height difference of almost 20cm.He would always send indirects to SeulHee, but she won't get them like never. Their relationship is, very, veeery touchy. They're always holding hands, hugging, touching each other faces, etc. They even cuddled once, with GOT7 watching them. After SeulHee's debut, she still showed her closseness with him, obviously without being all touchy, and fans started shipping them, or some of them started hating on SeulHee. SeulHee cares a lot about BamBam, even when she doesn't show it. She's always watching for him and sends him suport messages everytime GOT7 has an schedule. Even when they don't see each other that much, they chat a lot and do Skyping everytime that GOT7 leaves Korea. SeulHee often gets confused with her feelings for BamBam, but she doesn't like thinking about it. They have cute petnames for each other, BamBam calls SeulHee Seulie, HeeHee or Chu, while SeulHee calls him Bammie, Kunnie or Mook. BamBam often helps SeulHee with choreographies. 

history — They met when they both attended to the same audition for JYP in 2010. SeulHee was spacing out and accidentally crashes with BamBam. They both started to talk the best way they could, with BamBam's poor Korea and SeulHee's slight Engrish. They got along well due to similar personalities. They entered at the same time to the company and like that their friendship kept growing bigger.



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