How's Your Day?

Mine was so tiring that I even feel like I just killed myself. Lol. It was too tiring. The first day of second semester of my college life as an Accounting students. Lol. I am too tired but here I am, trying to write something and finish the fanfic because I['ll only post it once I finish it. So pray for me okay :p

I just got back from college. My friend and I drive to college. So the college is like, about 45 minutes of travel, well, that actually depends on our speed :p Had to go to college at 6.30 am. The very first day of class, I had a total of 9 hours lecture with 2 breaks that is less than 1 hour -___-" I haven't had my proper meal for the whole day. Wish me luck in this too :p

I guess that's all. I hope you guys had a very good day, I'm finishing the fanfic soon, so yeah. Take care everyone!


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