Bothered by the truth

Bleh, as I lay here I thought I'd update on my fics but I couldn't.. I'm so bored yet I guess depressed.. I keep wanting to cry over some really stupid stuff.. Anyways I wrote this little thing instead of updating.. And yes I was crying so comments on this blog could possibly cheer my awful life.


here, I think I'll call it ; this side of the world 


            I lay here awake at 3am. Trying to              distract myself from my pity that won't seem to fade on nights like this.

Nights where I'm not tired to sleep but tired of too many other things.. Other things that involve my life that is still stuck here, instead of where I dream to be.

On the other side of the world.

Still tears threaten to pool my vision.

How I hate myself only steeps in deeper when I look at beautiful faces.

Beautiful people, with beautiful lives. 

Do I envy or do I just hate myself? 

How can I  envy when I look to you, the upmost  beautiful face, spirit I've ever seen. 
You, the one that's so far away. 

   On the other side of the world.

Yet, when I tighten my grip on this pillow tonight.. It feels as though I'm there. 

On the other side of the world. 

As though I can smell you, feel you and most importantly hear you. 

The thoughts race through my mind as I know none of this is reality and only my imagination taking over.

Because I know I'm on this side of the world.

Finally my vision blurs as I open my eyes and see that I'm not with you, I'm in my room..

I'm in my room, dark but light enough to know that this is reality and to keep dreaming is the only thing keeping me away.

Keeping from this side of the world.


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It's a nice little thing you wrote there.
I really hope writing it helps you feel better and clear off some of boredom. There is no rush at updating your fics. If you have other things in mind, take care of that first of it can make you feel better.
Sorry, I might not make much sense right now: it's 4:30am and I just woke up for work. I thought, after I read this blig you wrote, that I should leave you a little message: since you said it could cheer you up and especially because I want you to know someone read what you wrote and thought you have talent at writing, and because you deserve to know it. Plus, in my opinion, life is not awful, but it sure is difficult to deal with sometime.
Take care,
Have a great day,
Feel free to talk to me if I can help you with anything :)