Application Revised

USERNAME — Hipsterbabe NICKNAME —  ACTIVITY RATE — 9/10 NAME — Minlee Kim  OTHER NAMES — English? Japanese? Chinese? (if applicable ) English: Madeline Kim NICKNAMES — Minnie Mouse BIRTHDATE — April 6 1995 BIRTHPLACE — Manchester, England HOMETOWN — Manchester, England ETHNICITY — Korean HEIGHT/WEIGHT — 160 cm/ 171kg LANGUAGES — English, Korean(NOT First Language) FACE CLAIM — Kang Sora ==> GALLERY — Link gallery to 'Gallery'. BACKUP FACE CLAIM — GALLERY — Same as above. APPEARANCE — Any min changes between your character and the face-claim. FASHION STYLE — She loves wearing skinny and oversized sweatshirts and uggs everywhere. Only if the stylist change the outfit. TRAITS — Lazy, Shy,Quiet, Sleepyhead, Hard Working PERSONALITY — She doesn't like to be woken up and would be very cranky and snappy, she'll hide when its clean time in the dorm. But when she practice she'll give it a 100% to the max. She never was in a relationship so she doesn't know how to communicate to boys well. Overall she is really shy and a real big introvert. BACKGROUND — Her mother left her and her father, so her father had to work two jobs to support her. She was an only child so she never had anyone to play with(Reasons why she is a introvert). Her father was all for her decision on becoming a idol, he taught her some korean. LIKES — Sleep, Eating, Being Lazy, Writing songs, Hanging with the girls DISLIKES — Woken up,Cleaning, Putting alot of energy in things. Nonsense Scandals, Vegetables+ HOBBIES — Singing, Learning Languages and Sleeping+ HABITS — 3+ TRIVIAS — 7 STAGE NAME — If applicable (please make sure it makes sense and is relavent) PERSONA — Sleep Fairy) POSITION — Main Vocalist BACK-UP POSITION — Main Vocalist TALENT TWINS — (Put twins for backup position in parenthesis) Singing Twin —  Dancing Twin —  Rapping Twin — Talking Twin — FANCLUB NAME —  FANCLUB COLOR — (include hex code) ENTERTAINMENT BACKGROUND — When she first got into the company as a trainee, she didn't know alot of korean. She would always stay up after curfew to Practice her dancing. She was almost caught in a scandal when Vixx's N was seen with her more than once (Nooonseeenssse) FAMILY — Only Child — Relationship | Name | Age | Occupation | Traits — Relationship | Name | Age | Occupation | Trait FRIENDS/RIVAL —  — Relationship | Name | Age | Occupation | Traits — Relationship | Name | Age | Occupation | Traits LOVE INTEREST — Yongjae from Got7. BACKUP LOVE INTEREST — Youngjae from Got7. PERSONALITY — Minimum of two paragraphs of five sentences each. FIRST MEETING — They first met when she came out the vocal room, she ran into him and they both dropped their phones and ended up taking each other phones. Later that night they realized they have each other phones and went out to search for each other. He didn't know she was in the same building and always kept passing her and her the same. In the end they met in the vocal room again. She was singing a song she found on his phone and he started to sing along. Love at first octave (lol). RELATIONSHIP/INTERACTIONS —They act all lovet dovey. She'll blush and cover her face and he'll uncover it and kiss her forehead. ENDING — They would still be dating, him thinking about proposal.


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