My bro asking me to make fan art for him...

So my brother saw me making a graphic for a contest and said, "Make me one." 

Then he gave me a list of what to make, which included 

Strike Witches

Sinon (Sword Art Online) 


And he legit wanted to make a poster for every memeber of SNSD and a group poster. -_- 

Now I have stuff posters to make lol. I actually been dying to make some graphics though, since I closed down my shop. Haha. But he told me to do all this when winter break is ending. :( 

However I made the Sinon one. I was my first time using anime in my graphic and I think it turned out well :) But when I printed it out it was really bright so I have to fix that. However it looks well as wallpaper for the desktop. 



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Wow. It's good!
I've only tried making graphic with anime once and I think it's pretty difficult for me -___-"
But you make it so nicely :DD