Stupid Resolutions

It’s official: my parents have crossed the line.


Effective as of today is my mother’s new year’s resolution, one that she is sure will “bring us together as a family by eliminating everyday distractions.” BARF. Her new idea doesn’t affect herself, it’s purely targeted at me and my “mindless hours” spent on the computer. AKA our “family” resolution is to limit internet use to one hour a day.


When she first proposed this idea to me (Read: It wasn't really a suggestion, it was a mandated plan) I almost died of laughter - there’s no way she would really expect me to spend ten hour days (Read: On winter vacation) having “family time” instead of being free to spend my time as I wish. She did i.e. why this blog post is going up so late in the day.


The thing that frustrates me the most is that she used “scientific statistics” to back up her idea. Yesterday she went to an eye appointment and the doctor told her that “so many teenagers are growing up to develop eye problems because they use the computer so much” which is where she derived her brilliant idea from.


Honestly even though I understand the logic behind this assumption, if I develop eye problems when I’m 80:


So how was your New Year? Make any resolutions?



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Oh gosh, I'm sorry to hear that. Sure, your mum wants to prevent you from developing an eye problem, but not with such a device. Smoking kills people and raise the percentage to have a heart disease or lung cancer, but this doesn't stop people from smoking either. I cross my finger for your that your mother will rethink her idea about the 'glowing screens' - Scientists are used to change their opinion daily, like girls, who cannot decide what to wear. {Of course, they don't chage every statement the once made, but sometimes they do, because they find enough reasons against it. Same for coffee. One day it is meant to be bad for your heart, on the next it is healthy. Oh, and happy new year! I hope you don't mind my long comment, but I was in the same situation once.