
Heyy! I Just wanted to asked if there was any real books the are related somehow to any type of fanfics or if you are an author, what kind of books inspired you.

Please comment your suggestion if you can and thank you taking the time to read this. ^_^ 


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First love, Torrents of Spring (I. Turgenev) The ironmaster (G. Ohnet) The eternal husband ( Dostoyevsky) The lady of the Camellias (Dumas) Dangerous Liaisons (Laclos) The Emigrant (Papadiamantis) lots of Jane Austen, E.A.Poe and then various others that I could help you with if you are interested in romance stories (I write romance fics and the aforementioned books help a lot to grasp the essence of romance, love and heartache) Hope you'll like them! ^.^
The Fault in Our Stars, An Abundance of Katherines, Nightshade and Unholy Awakening