Following? O.o

Aishhh. Twitter's making my head hurt.

I'm trying really hard you guys.

But I can't keep this question out of my mind.


It seems so complex when it really isn't.

How do you get followers?

Who should you follow?

What is the concept of following?

AISHH. Maybe Twitter isn't for me.




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I thought the exact same thing too ! I still do now, but meh, I dont care as much :))
Following is just like "friending" someone and you can recieve and send tweets to that person.
you can follow anyone you want
and people usually follow you if you tweet something about something theyre interested in?
idk . i usually block strangers ;P
Following - is like slalking and is like susrcibing
curlyfriesLOL #4
LOLOLOL sorry but I don't know the first thing about twitter. XD