I'm like a bird trapped in a cage

I'm just UGHHHH.

I love my parents, but sometimes I just can't help but despise them.

They know just as well as the people around me that I have potential.

They've known every since I was a toddler that I could be something big one day.

My name is Keena.

I love to sing, I love to dance, and I just love playing guitar.

I act, I write stories, but it turns out that I also have good grades.

No, great grades... And I hate it.

My parents are just like every other Asian parent.

They want me to be a doctor, and I just can't stand them for that.

They've blocked out the fact that I can do all these things and just focused entirely on my grades.

They want me to be successful in the medical field.


I feel like fainting whenever I see a needle, and I've had bad experiences with blood.


But you know what?

I feel like I'm alive whenever I play chords on my guitar, whenever I'm whisking away with the strings like it's not even complicated.

Whenever I sing and let out music notes, be it a low or high, I feel like I'm on cloud nine.

When I follow the steps to my favorite songs and let the music take me away, it's like there's this whole new adrenaline rush inside of me.


Earlier today, my teacher asked the class what they wanted to be when they grow up.

I've already decided. I wanted to be a singer, a dancer, a musician.

An idol.


Everyone laughed at me.

They called me stupid, and that it would never happen.


I feel as if everyone's keeping me trapped in a cage.

As if they're keeping me from reaching my highest potential.

I'm a bird trapped in a cage.



All that I can hold on to is that small hope that maybe dreams do come true.

But you know what they all say right?

A dream is just a dream, but this is reality.




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I hope it did help a bit and yes, dreams are achieveable :P

Please do not hesitate to talk to me about anything !

I will always be there for you to help you !


-Love, Cindy-
I tried reasoning to my parents. My mum always listened on. My dad? Not so much. But I prayed to God for help and eventually, it did. My dad started to change and not pressure me into doing or getting into jobs I don't want. My mum was always there for me, she always stood up for me and my sisters. She is amazing :) Hehe ~ She understands and, well, makes you feel a lot better !

In your case, I think really think trying to reason with your parents on your thoughts and point of view, your dreams and hopes etc. is one of the best things to do.

I have this book titled "Young People Ask - Answers that Work" and there are lots of topics that is very good in your situation right now. I can talk to you more and type out what the particular section says and hopefully, it will make you feel a lot better :)

I know this may sound like a drabble to you, but this is just some of my random thoughts.
Afterwards, like I don't know how long, but all this pressure has been lifted slightly off my shoulders. I had set for myself real goals. When I was younger, probably a little kid, I had so much dreams, so much goals and ambitions. I wanted to be a singer, always jotting down the song lyrics, singing with a pretend microphone, acting like I was on stage dancing and singing, standing under the spotlight ... I pretended to be a host for my little sisters to put on their own acts and entertain us. I wanted to also be a cheerleader, supporting my team mates from the sidelines, doing chants and cheers ... and them I wanted to design, draw, create, take photographs and edit them ... I did so much things, trying to reach for that one goal: to achieve my dreams, get a better life, help my parents.................. yeah ...........

I still do like doing those things, but now, growing up a little more and all that idk, I've set for myself more realistic goals. I'm not saying all those singing, dancing, acting, cheerleading whatsoever is unrealistic, I'm just ..... well, some things just happened and before you know it, it snaps, and I am not focusing too much on that.
And like I said before, these pressures from my parents - my dad mostly, did cause me to be troubled over myself and I use to think, oh I am not that smart, I am going to disappoint them ... I hate chemistry, it is complicated, boring and gives you headaches. I hate medicine and anything alike. Doctor? I fainted once because I felt sick - in the morning I had jelly and yoghurt, then on a taxi for a trip that takes approximately 20 minutes. Then when I reached my uncle's place, I did things ~ Yeah and when I was sitting down, wanting to get up, this ceramic tiny broken piece from a vase pierced through my skin under the middle finger of my right hand. When I took it out, it hurted, somehow. Blood started to come out. It didn't seem much like something big. My cousin went next door to get a bandaid. I went to sit on the chair that was at the back of me, but then, I felt a gash of fatigue, I felt sick, stomache, headache, hot .. all these things mixed up. And before I knew it, my eyes started to close and I fainted. An hour later, I was able to open my eyes and sit up - I was fed porridge! Kakaka. This all happened in Vietnam when I was about 13. LOOL a bit too dramatic aye? LOOL !

Anyhow, my point is, I think it was from that experience that I was afraid of blood, I was scared of anything "doctor-related" and .... erk whatever body organs *shivers*

And lawyer? I don't have a great debating kind of mouth that can argue at everything. Sure, I want to stand on the law, stand on the justice side and all that, but I don't think Im brave enough or have much potential. You know what I mean.
OMO ! :( I can sense where you are getting to :(

I used to feel that way.
But not anymore :)

On my dad's side; his family in Vietnam and over here in Australia - most of them has high ranking jobs. One works in a chemist, one works in an office, one owns a restaurant ... omo they do work hard but I don't like them. I hate them more. They treat my family, excluding my dad, like trash. They are greedy and are rich, money lovers. They have very .... hateful personalities and I'm pleased I don't have to make contact with them ever - well, my dad is an exception.

Anyways, like his side of the family - rich, high ranking jobs ... (they have more money because they rip off poorer citizens =.=) my dad wants me to be one of them, one with the tops grades, top everything ... he said all things and pressure me, even you unnie, to get into jobs like "doctor" or "lawyer" or "chemist" or whatever it is. BORING! Sure, those are jobs that earn lots of money, but money ISN'T EVERYTHING. What about my own dreams, what about my own future and life? Does "forcing" or "pressuring" their own child always mean a better life? No =.="

[Gonna type more *look above*]
I feel the somewhat the same way

My parents, relatives, forget that FAMILY expect me to be some top notch doctor or person that good with medicine no matter what I want
When I make or don't want to go to school, they always put some kind of quilt trip on me and say "You want to mow the grass outside for a living?"
So as a kid, I would always try to do my best and
my grades are so and so

BUT my dreams would always involve cooking and dancing
I would love making others happy with any of these dreams
and I would always love the way how it would make me soo happy
BUT others always think I would NOT try dancing, and my cooking is average, but living as a chef is pretty bad, because of the low salery

Same thing happened to me
we all had an important essay to do about our dream job or our career
I wrote about me being a famous dancer, and being known as the nerd that has high grades and should stick with either being a doctor or drawer, everyone either laughed or was confused at my outcome

They thought I was crazy or something

I know how you feel and how dreams are amazing, but stick to reality and do what YOU want you only get one chance in life, so do what you want

But sometimes I wonder, if people are just being plain out hypocrites
but dreams are possible to achieve .
curlyfriesLOL #8
What the hell are you talking about Keena?

I know you. I know how well you sing, I know how well you dance, and how well you play guitar.

You have a beautiful, if not angelic, voice.

And I've always told you that you should go audition. To just do whatever your heart tells you.

And dreams CAN become reality. I mean, look at all the famous people in the world.

It was probably their dream to be who they are now right?
