jaesoon & rina : character interactions

RINA: honestly rina doesn't care much to get to know them, so it may be hard to talk to her, however, she is the one who will slowly open up to the group or at least try to. that being said:


rina has high respects for any one who can show good leadership skills and patience, because she know she doesn't have patience. so i guess you could say she sees her as a leader and an older sister. Respect man.


rina doesnt mind yen. hes nice to her so she is nice to him. they'll chat casually. he is the second out of the four boys whom she actually truly likes. rina and yen being opposites, rina kind of gravitates towards yen when it comes to her wanting to rant or talk things out, because yen will bring her back to reality, tell her to breath and relax and that things arent as bad as they seems and that things could be worse. she likes that he doesnt seem to mind her ranting and her awkward communication skills.


rina and jaesoon get along... to an extent. they may share the same ideas and preferences, but the second jaesoon becomes a up, rina will roll her eyes and find him pathetic, like able to read right through him. or maybe its just because she hates -up's or womanizers.
Yen - Rina doesn't mind yen. he doesnt bother her, she doesnt bother him, but that doesnt mean se doesnt like staring or awkwardly trying to talk to him just because he's handsome and doesn't seem all TOO bad.


Rina kind of .. gets overly annoyed with joo. rina hates chaos, so when people are given roles, she expects them to stand by those roles.this all goes back to respect, also. If joo speaks for Ian, Rina will get annoyed and maybe mumble, youre not the leader; not to start a fight but to keep things in line. this'll happen regardless of the person, because rina believes if someone is asking someone ELSE a question, let THEM answer it. joo reminds rina of that annoying kid in class were you know the answer and raise your hand, but that person shouts it out and basically ruins your mood.  She might also be a tad bit jealous of how well joo can talk easily with others and rina has a hard time finding words. regardless, she wont mind joo's company, as long as she isn't talking her ear off.


if one thing rina doesn't like, its people like joey. to combine ignorant AND arrogant is like asking rina to rip his head off. sure he's good looking, but rina even knows whens a good time to be humble, and when isn't. she'll up to him just to make sure there minimal fighting going on the group, and just to try to get things done. however, the second he says something ignorant or arrogant that is out of line or unnecessary, she won't be afraid to shoot him a disgusted look or even tell him to stop talking, because everything out of his mouth is pointless and not bringing progress to ignite.


now, soobin. lets just say soobin would be the last person rina would want to be paired up with. again, her energy AT FIRST annoys rina to no extent. she doesnt say anything because she finds it useless(after many times of telling soobin to calm down and such). rina is jealous of her friendliness just like joo, only being roommates with soobin, she gets to know her better, and soon enough, rina will start cracking smiles and laughing because of soobin, even breaking character and showing energy and a brighter side to her because soobin lightens her mood.


rina finds herself wanting to be his noona. mainly in her own thoughts. she finds him innocent(or that he seems innocent) so she secretly looks out for him and does discrete things to help him. i guess the main reason she babies him(discretely, and by discretely i mean, if wes is looking for his drink she'll point it out immediately, if wes misplaced something, she'll know where its out. she looks out for him) she babies him because of his resemblance of her younger brother whom she was close with. and the only reason she can relate more to wes is because out of the rest of the men, he is the more bubbly and talkative one, just like she remembers her brothers as.

JAESOON: jaesoon is friendly. he up to people, he likes to get to know people, he likes to get on their good side, just so he can use them later, such as , "Hey if you dont do this , i'll tell ian you stole her banana milk" silly things like that, but if an enemy occurs, trust me, it wont be silly! that being said:

IAN - 

the relationship you are portraying right now is perfect. jaesoon knows hes good looking, and he doesnt care to flaunt it, however, slowly, he starts to want to show off in front of ian, and in most cases, all he ends up doing is messing up and then feeling embarrassed if ian shows him how to do it properly, however, if he messes up and another male tries to show him how its done, just to impress ian or make a fool out of jaesoon, you should know he'll get pissed and either storm off or curse the other person. anyway, back to ian, he always said he liked older women, and although he is the oldest, ian bossing him around or giving him nonchalant advice or even putting him in his place throws him through a loop, like maybe not all younger women are immature.


jaeson sees yen as a threat, but not a big one. its his looks that makes jaesoon jealous, and then jaesoon beats himself up for being jealous. however, thanks to yen's big heart, jaesoon cant help but want to talk and get to know this dongsaeng. he can hardly say no to that face too...


while jaesoon doesnt mind rina, he knows she isnt his type. he'll talk to her when she is by herself, just to talk. he doesnt flirt with her because he can read the aura she gives off the second he approaches her; that she doesnt want him to be near her. jaesoon just wants to get along with her just to avoid fights. uhmm..... feel like im forgeting something idk tho.

JOO - 

jaesoon likes joo to an extent. he doesnt mind her at all, no. its just her talkative mouth that at times might annoy him. he wont say anything, but if joo doesnt let him speak, he'll walk away or find an excuse to leave because hes bored. he likes engaging conversation, not just listening to someone talk. 


they buttheads, probably quite often, jaesoon is arrogant as well, but he keeps it to himself. instead he shows off in discrete ways, so the fact that some "kid" tries to take his light, he can get annoyed and maybe even jealous. just because jaesoon worked hard to get where he was, and even tho he knows nothin of joey, joey reminded him of those bullies jaesoon endured during his rough and not so glamarous stages of high school. jaesoon worked hard to look this good, so it humbled him, but it doesnt mean he doesnt want to show off. so again, the fact that joey was just born with good looks ( or from waht i assume) jaesoon can be jealous and annoyed because of his arrogance. but as typical, he can and will up if he is in front of his peers or fans or any one other than his group mates, just to act like he is the better person.


jaesoon and soobin get along like older brother and sister. and thats exactly how jaeson sees soobin, his younger sister. he teases her, hugs her a lot, ruffles her hair, maybe even calls her princess because he thinks shes too precious.he matches her engery, and they probably get so along so well because of similar personality traits; talkative to an extent, enegertic, and wanting to share a good time.


jaesoon sees wesley as his buddy. theres a huge , but that doesnt stop the two from playing pranks, joking with each other, or causing other mischief. jaesoon could be a bad influence on wesley, but jaesoon relates to him too much to care. he'll often be seen using wesley's head as his own head rest, resting his chin on wesley's head, just to make fun of height differences and enjoying making fun of his closesy male friend.


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wow this is so details i like it