Umm I got tagged a long time ago by Kpop15 but didn't actually give up on my laziness to do it until now. XD


Rule 1: Post the rules!

Rule 2:  Answer the questions the tagged asked you, then make 10 new ones!

Rule 3: Tag 5 people and link them to this post!

Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them!

Questions for me:

1)  How did you get introduced to kpop?

Ummm a friend of mine showed me EXO's wolf

2) What kind of tree would you be?

Idk. Maple? Oak?

3) If you had a superpower for a day what would it be?

Time travel

4) What type of fruit would you be?


5) Would you rather be sweet or sour candy?

sweet all the way

6) Where would your dream vacation be?

A different country..maybe

7) If all your biases from any group asked you out who would you choose and from what group are they from?

I hate you so much! Lol Idk! XD you already know the answer to this so im not going to post it here~

8) if you had a chance to see your favorite groups perform in a two hour concert or meet them for an hour but could not ask them to sing or dance what would you choose?

Ummm cuddle? /slapped/ I. DON'T. KNOW.

9) If you had to choose to learn a language and be fluent after one lesson but that would be the only language you could learn besides eng. what language would it be?

Spanish because it's very useful and lots of people use it in America.

10) whats your dream career?

Something in le technology field.

My questions for you guys:

1) What type of toy would you want to be? Why?


2)What color are your eyes?

3)Are you a grammar nazi?

4)How old are you?

5)What is your favorite song? Who is it by?


6)What is your favorite food?


7)Any OTP's?


8)Are you lazy?


9)Favorite color?

10)What did you think of me when we first met or what do you think of me now if you can't remember?


Peepurs I tagged:














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