I Remember...

"I remember those blue Converse you used to wear

I remember the way you used to love to play with my hair

I remember how you always cared

And how you were always there

I remember your dark brown eyes

And how they alays met mine

I remember the way you used to joke around

Everyone thought you looked liked some silly clown

I remember your alluring smile

It was so bright, I could see it from a mile

I remember the day you said you were leaving

I remember I couldnt believe it was happening so rapidly

I remember those Converse you used to wear

I remember all those times we shared

I cant believe it's been 3 years since I last saw you

And I think I have realized that you werent just a friend

You were another peice of me

I felt incomplete

So I sit here wondering where you went

My heart in pieces

Hopefully one day the stars and moon will collide

And you will once again be mine

I remember those blue Converse you used to wear

And when you left, one was forgotten

And it reminds me of all those times i shared with you

And I hope the other shoe reminds you of it too 1f494-microsoft-windows"




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