꿈: Dreams and Nightmares

For the following blog, I will proceed to talk to myself about my new ideas, so if you will please excuse me while I straighten out my thoughts. Thank you.


Real-life situations and events can manifest themselves in dreams. But since dreams are like a twisted, metaphorical/symbolic view of our emotions/experiences/life etc., it can be quite difficult to understand and may not even seem to relate to our real "awake" life at all. Some may not believe that dreams have meanings (e.i. "Duh, they're just dreams. They don't make any fking sense and you don't need to fking think so hard to understand it because you'll forget about that sht anyway."), but I believe that dreams exist for a reason (e.i. I always have dreams of trying to figure out s on my guitar every time I go to sleep feeling so frustrated when I can't figure out a song. Usually the next day, I can easily figure it out.)

For me, dreams show me my true emotions, because most of the time, I just supress my true feelings. I get so good at convincing myself that I'm alright when honestly, my dreams show me a whole different world where I'm always troubled and restless. I always wake up feeling so tired becase in my dreams I'm always getting lost or being chased. One of the most frequent recurring dreams  I've been having was mostly related to my childhood home: that dream where I am walking home but I never make it because I either get lost or die. (Yes, I have the same dreams almost every night that it bothers me). For me, that symbolizes my longing for my past that I know I cannot go back to. (I moved to a different/foreign country at the age of 12 and I miss everyone, but every time I go back to visit, it just isn't the same as before because so much has changed.) So, from my personal experience, dreams do have some meaning to it relating to real life events and emotions. Most people just don't remember their dreams and some immediately dismiss them and not care about them for the rest of their day. Although most dreams may just be random nonsense, (like that dream I had about YongSeo adpoting me straight out of high school to be their child... no wait, I honestly enjoyed that dream wahaha), I don't think all of them are. Maybe some dreams matter, maybe some dreams don't... I don't know; I'm not an expert. Don't ask me. Don't judge me. I'm just rambling about this because I'm bored and I'm too lazy to read that book that I'm supposed to read for my English literature class...oops.



Psychological trauma, according to my dictionary/google-based research, is a severe distressing/disturbing/horrifying/etc. emotional or mental experience (e.i. abuse, death of a loved one, abandonment, shock, etc.) that might cause negative effects on one's personal view of life, might cause phobia, etc, etc... Basically it may even drive a person mentally and horrificly insane (e.i. cannibals, mass murders, schizophrenics, Hitler, etc.) But, hey, not everyone is going to be Hitler once they have a trauma, sheesh, don't get me wrong here. Some people, who suffered even from simple grief or even stress, get mentally affected. By that I mean, trauma could/may/might manifest itself in dreams or more specifically, nightmares. I once had to read testimonies from war veterans as a research for that other story I wrote, and most of them say that they get nightmares in their dreams about the war even after the war was over. Imagine the bloody bodies everywhere and death on every corner... Or for a more relatable example, after watching really scary horror movies, those awful bloody monsters usually follow you in your dreams. If something simple like watching a horror movie can manifest as a nightmare, then won't psychological trauma do something worse?


One more thing...

What if you never wake up from a dream/nightmare at all? Do you just die?

Have you ever heard of the "Nightmare Syndrome"? Basically, a person just gets a really horrible nightmare and then dies while sleeping.

Now you don't want that to happen to you, do you? That's probably why people wish you sweet dreams. That's why you pray to God for protection before you sleep! Nobody would want to die that way...


Psychological Horror! Dun dun duuuuunn!!!!!

Note to self: Don't forget about The Never-Ending Walkway please. I know we don't have time, but we're so excited. We need to finish it someday. 파이팅!!


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ForeverSoshiKezh #1
Are you taking a course of psychology? I'm a psychology student. :)