CL vs. Yoobin

So these past few days I've been mindlessly obsessing over the Wonder Girls, more specifically Yoobin. OMFG. She's so hot~~. Anyway, I came across something comparing CL and Yoobin. I just wanted to know, who do you guys like better? CL or Yoobin?

For me personally, CL has the word "boss" written all over her and she's so fabulous. But after awhile, it's probably just me but her raps sound the same after a while. Yoobin, though, she has a nice voice and she's super pretty but I highly doubt that she would survive a freestyle with CL.

So who do you guys like better?


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Yoobin all over! she is my role model! she is like.. being fantastic while other being plastic!
I like CL too, but her rap bored me sometimes. Yoobin's flexible in rapping to the beat! she delivered the words and the lines perfectly!
missdoung1986 #2
love CL <3
i like both so i cant choose
I think Yoobin would kill CL if it was speed
But CL would come out if it was based on lines
They both have badass swag
but i do agree with purichu
CL!! ^o^ lol I like the wonder girls but I'm not that big of a fan :P
I love both of them equally.
CL is my role-model and will forever hold that title in my heart that just can't be stained.
To me, CL isn't a real rapper. She never did underground or any mixtapes. She's never had the "experience". She's just an <b>idol</b> who raps for the stage.
Yoobin, imo, is a pretty good rapper but she's also and idol imo. I don't consider either one of them 'official rapper' worthy. Especially Hyuna. That hoe is talentless in all areas.