Plans and Lists 2015: What are you up to?

We'll meet again,
even in a different world

ART by iiping

And the shipping goes on and on! Muahahahaha! I'm stuffing myself with Post-BOTFA fix-it, EveryoneLives!AU Kiliel fics so you don't have to worry about me. My mind is filled with these two lately and as the year comes to a close, I think it's time to look back on the past year - what I've done, what I should've done, what I learned, etc. Perhaps, I should just go and read my previous blog posts because it seems that I've shared my every milestone this year ^^

I'll be making a list of things to look forward to in 2015. But here's what I have in mind:

Of course learning how to draw is forever in the number one spot. How I was able to move on to coding and NaNoWrimo and gif-making without even making progress in my drawing skills is beyond me. But I'll do a NaNo version of this. Learn to Draw in 30 Days! I got this book by Mark Kistler titled, You Can Draw in 30 Days! My motivation is Kiliel! I want to post fanart too! 

Next on the list is Interlude. I will finish editing/rewriting it this year. 

I'll still make time for my fanfics, of course. I find that taking a break from writing one story, gives me creative prompts for another. Interlude just bears more weight because it's my first full-length original novel, so please bear with me.

Number four is for Photoshop and Illustrator classes/tutorials. It's nice that I already know a bit but in order to improve, I should learn how to draw first. 

Fifth is CampWrimo and NaNoWrimo. I will definitely participate again! I still don't have a plot in mind. But we'll see. I can always write a fanfic if I want to. (Those I know who wrote fanfics surpassed the 50k word count before November 30.)

Sixth: coding bootcamps/courses! 

Seventh: a WordPress blog! I have to figure out what kind of blog it would be ^^ 


A friend advised me not to take on so many things at once. But that's not how I roll. I hate routine and I always fall back to boredom. So it's better if I am constantly busy creating stuff. This list will do for now even though there are a couple of projects I want to do which should have been included in the first list, like:

1. decorating my new room - It has powder blue walls, white ceiling with glitters (yes GLITTERS. They mixed perlite with glitters and so my ceiling glitters when you turn on the light), two white windows, two white doors - one is for the shared pink bathroom.) I honestly don't know what to do with it at the moment.
2. create the Keeper font - the first ones were pixel fonts so this time I want a real font!
3. sculpt polymer clay chibis - I have the clay set for three years now, untouched. And for the longest time, I've been dreaming of creating SuJu chibis -_-
4. crochet amigurumis - I have the needles and patterns, BUT used up the yarn for practice
5. make jewelries/accessories - lost my jewelry pliers already but I would save much if I learn to make them for my sister, instead of buying them for almost triple the price
6. make kili's runestone - yeah, I'll even try stone carving for my babies
7. cooking/baking
8. go on a trip - my unnies are bugging me about this
9. improve on my photography
10. watch more movies, anime, and kdramas (this is a must)
11. attend a concert (maybe?), etc.
12. LAST but NOT THE LEAST, ehe, buy and read books :3 


So yeah, whatever it is that you want to do or accomplish, write it down and then be amazed by the end of the year at how much you accomplished! 




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this is actually a very good way to keep your goals in check!
now i'm inspired to make a planning list thing for myself too hehe
thanks! :D