Why I Hate My Mother...TT.TT

So, me and my mom were watching 5,000 Questions with Super Junior, we're both kpop/kdrama fans, and it was at the part about Shindong's affection for food. Nothing big, right? Mom, goes on saying she's fat( it, she is),and said she tried getting me to walk. I respond back with I dance to KPOP, that's enough of a work out, and I lost weight because of it. Her, being the honest she is, tells me 'You're gaining it back.' Talk about killing your teenage daughter's confidence, it's bad enough that Sunny of GG is taller than my self-esteem. Let's just blow it up. We got into this bigass fight and she said, "If your going to snap at me go to bed." So, I said, "Fine, sleep well knowing your daughter thinks she's a fat ." and I went to bed, well, I slammed my door and am currently writing to you guys in bed.


Aren' t mom's supposed to build their daughter's confidence? Not kill it like B.A.P flushing Zelo's frog down the toilet. She always says like this, and she asks why I stay locked up in my room and eat so much.


Thank you for letting me rant while sobbing, I truly appreciate it.


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