。(*^▽^*)ゞ Hello Everybody

Hi, I'm new but I think I got a hang of this website and writing fics (well I think). I was wondering if any of my dear friends would like to become a beta-reader for my current fanfiction to help me improve my writing. As well as that, to help me exercise my writing skills, I created a scenario shop called 'Flourishing Scenarios' where you request a scenario about you (or an original character) and the bias of your choice. If you would like to request, just comment below on this blog or on my scenario shop which I will give the link down below:


And for all those who celebrate christmas, Merry Christmas!^^


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Hello! I'd like to be your beta-reader, if you'd let me~ ^.^
I'd be more than willing to be a beta for you, if you'd like ^^