Fast Food places U.U

I wanted to blog about this wonderful thing I just recently discovered. So I was in the car with my dad and we we're going to the store. I suddenly had the urge to use the bathroom so we decided to stop by Carls' Jr. (a fast food restaurant). I went in and went into the bathroom. The bathroom looked like a regular clean bathroom but, that was not what caused me to write this blog. What caused me to write this was because the BATHROOM SMELLED LIKE FRESH CINNAMON BUNS DEAR LAWD ( other than the fact I'm just bored lol) it was the best public restroom I have ever been in so far in my life. Props to Carls' Jr. they did good lmao. Idk if other Carls' Jr. places smell like the one I've been in but I hope they do :'3


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mihokpop17 #1
decided to come back to aff and i come back to this lmfao xD i made cinnamon buns they were yums!!!
Dude idk why but im imagining someone having a diarhea there and it still smells like cinnamon buns xD