Need some help!

Its been a while writing in my blog since most of my time is taken up but finally winter break! I now have time to update my story A chance encouter if you haven't seen it yet^^


On to the main point of what I wanted to write for this post, this may seem far stretched but there was this really good BAP story that I read quite a long time ago and I can't remember the author's name or title T^T 


It was based on the One Shot Mv with Daehyun as the main character and the girl is swept up in their crimes as she gets stuck in a crate and doesn't know where she is. She gets discovered and gets blindfolded and taken to their headquarters, she meets BAP and is forced to stay with her. As she stays she notices that Daehyun doesn't like her and immediately gives her the cold shoulder which gets her irritated and confronts him. He then kisses her and they fall in love and is reminded of his past that he had a girlfriend but was killed from a gang war. And so history repeats itself and there's like a second ending to the story which is the plot twist in the mv One Shot. And there was also a mini epilogue after when all the members die except Yongguk and she builds a life with him. And there's the other ending with the members ending up in jail and Youngjae tricks them since he's the double agent. And she gets the help of ther people to get them out. 

If anyone knows the title or the author that created it I would love to know because its been a story that has stayed in my mind because it was really well written. ^^ 


Also everyone have a very merry Chrismas and Happy new years! Much love from me XD 


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I axtually dont know for that story but its very camiliar to me. Do you some other clue, maybe a Title or maybe theme(Angst, Fantasy...etc)