mas event

Regarding the christmas event, i noticed that some of you are confused. well, to clarify, this event is not mandatory. it is something us admins made so you can all get closer to one and another. 
the partners shall be picked randomly by the generator thingy on the internet, however since we know who you some of you guys do not want to be paired with, we'll put that in consideration.
so there's a couple of things to keep in mind about this event, such as:
● couples will not be seperated, meaning they will be partnered with one another unless they want to be.
● a daddy will be partnered with a baby, if the number of babies are greater than the number of daddies, a daddy might get two babies, or vice versa.
● daily missions shall be given and once you have finished the mission, you must tag base. at the end of the event, there will be a small ceremony where the winner shall be announced. the winner, will be featured on the aff thread.
● you have no right to reject your partner, if you have a specific person you do not wish to be paired with, dm base as soon as possible.
that is all, if you do not wish to take part in this event, give a strong reasoning.
deadline to tell base is on 11:59pm kst, december 24, 2014.


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