What do I do with these fanfic ideas? I have all these stories trapped in my head and I so want to write them but I'm currently working on one. I want to concentrate on one story at a time but ideas keep popping in my head :(( OTTOKAE!!!

Sorry for being so distracted my dear friends. I'm working on an update for SOJ while guiltily flirting with other stories. URRRRGGGGGHHHHH...GEMINI-ness please STTTTAAAAWWWWWWWPPPPP!!!

Please be patient with me for now. Thank you!!!

MUCH LOVE!!! ^_^


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Tell me about it. I'm working on one chaptered story, one short story, and like five requests. I think the best thing to do, in the case of too many ideas, is to start with the one that appeals most to you. My 2 cents :)
I know exactly how you feel I'm currently writing 3 fics, flirting around with 2 others. It's really hard not to. Sometimes I wish you could just sync your brain to the computer