STAR Entertainment ☆ Song Jae Mi




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★ Let Me Introduce Myself ★


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(replace pictures with face claim) (Height is 150)


Character Name: Song Jae Mi

Character Nickname(s): Gothica or Jamie depending on who you are.

Birthday+age: 22nd november 1990.

uality: Bi

Height: 170cm

Weight: 68kg

Blood type: A

Ethnicity: Half American and Half Korean

Birthplace: Seoul, Korea

Hometown: Seoul, Korea

Languages: English (Fluent) Korean (Fluent)


★ You’re Beautiful ★


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(picture of face claim on left, back up on right) (Height at 150)


Face claim: Park Yong Hee

Back up face claim: Jang Hae Byeol

Appearance: (facial changes, piercings, tattoos, etc.)

Style: Jaemi will tend to wear high amounts of leather which result in her looking very tomboyish and like a hardcore rock fan (Which she is). Be it leather pants or leather jacket name it she's got it probably with added spikes to add to the look. She Tends to not show alot of skin because of this. But she will show more of her skin if she is trying to seduce you but that only appiles to a certain male dance instructor. (Hyrin my have a hard time with this one's fashion sense)




Formal/Variety show:



"Kyumin" gear:

★ Do You Know Me ★



"I don't care about anybody that's is below me" - Jamie doesn't really care about anybody that is below her skill level so she'l treat them like pests. Which includes insulting and belittling anyone who she deems isn't worthy of her presence. But this doesn't apply to her band mates because she knows everybody has their strengths and weakness. Also to earn her respect you have to be better than her at something idol related. For example she's really bad at dancing when she first starts as a trainee so the instructors have her respect for actually mastering the art form that is dance.


"Just because I'm a to people that are below me doesn't mean I can't encourage them to become better" - Jamie my hate people that are below her skill level but people who just give are worse in her eyes. She may threaten those who are below her skill level but she does this to help give them motiviation to better themselves.


"Jamie is rather Violent don't you think? I mean did see her chasing Seojin with the mic stand?" - Anybody that messes with her will get it. It doesn't matter who you are. She will find you and get you. Even if she doesn't get you straight away she will get you when you least expect. Also don't expect her to resort to just violence to even the score. She does have other "methods" of pay back.


"Even though Jamie maybe a and a bit self centered she'll help out her bandmates whenever they need it" - Even though she might act like she hates you. It doesn't mean she does. It's just her way of interacting with people. Besides if she lists your negative aspects first and/or often. When she tells you something posistive about you it becomes the much more.


"Jamie is rather impatient don't you think?" - yes it is true she's rather impatient when it comes to anything. She gets especially when she says something to someone and they take too long to answer back. It really pisses her off it makes her want to headbutt them. This where most of her violent tendencies comes from.

"She has no sense of tradition and respect when it comes to her elders" - Jamie just wasn't one for traditon or the such. She'd rather call people bro or old man rather than using "Hyung","Oppa" or "Unnie" That is unless she thinks you deserve or your someone special to her. But that is insanely rare because it's hard to earn her respect. It doesn't help the she frequently puts others down and the such. 



People that don't give up.

Playing her guitar

Insulting people

Being better than others

Getting Revenge.


Being informal

Calling people bro or old man.

People that are passionate about what they do and love.


Dislikes: (3+)

People that just give up.

People that are better than her.


People playing pranks on her.

Being formal.

Having to use honorifics

People that use Honorifics

People that have no skill or little to none.

Dancing (Changes over time)

Having to wear dresses and the such.

Girly girls to an extent

People who make excuses.


Habits: (3+)

Calling people bro or old man.

Giving people death glares for being stupid or doing something she doesn't like.

Biting her lips.

cracking her knuckles in a threatening manner.


Hobbies: (3+)

Playing her guitar.

Listening to rock and metal.

Getting Revenge


Trivia: (unlimited)

Her guitar was given to her by her father.

She plays her guitar on a regular basis.

Used to get bullied be half foreigner

that's why she is the way she is.

Orginally wanted to become a rock star.

Changed her mind because she'd rather

work with other hard working people.


★ History ★



Name Kyle Rhythm || Age 47 || Job I.T worker || Traits Kind hearted, Used to be dedicated to be becoming a rock star, Care free and encouraging.


Name Song Tae Yong || Age 43 || Job Lawyer || Traits Persistent, annoying (According to Jamie), Austere and Strict.


Name || Age || Job || Traits

Name || Age || Job || Traits




"Once upon a time I wanted to be a rock star" - Jamie was the daughter of a wannabe Rock star and lawyer. How that happened she didn't know and didn't want to. All she knew was that her father had given up his dream of becoming a Rock star soon after she was born. Probably to help her mother look after her. As soon as she was old enough he begun telling her stories of what he would do in the good old days. He even began teaching her how to play guitar.


"You'll never have any friends you foreigner!" - Jamie used to get bullied as a kid because of the fact that her father was american. But she didn't care because she was better them in everywhere. To her they were just trying to find her weak point. But as far as she was concerned she didn't have one. Besides she never really could make friends because fo the fact that no one was at least equal to her in skill.


"You should always follow your dreams Jamie" - That's they words her father spoke to her constantly as if he was trying to engrave it into her brain. But the only thing that was really engraved were two things. She needed to find someone that could provided a challenge. Second was that she loved Metal and Rock just like her father much to her mother's chargrin. But she didn't really care because her mother would rather have her become a lawyer then do anything that she wanted to do on life. While her father wanted her to follow her dreams even though he gave his up. That's the thing that suprised her was the fact that he was basically preaching this to her because he never got to follow his dreams because of them?


"No daughter of mine is becoming a rock star if I have anything to do with it!" - This was one of the last things Jamie's mother said before she decided to follow her dream. Which wasn't becoming a Rock star like her father. Rather a Rival that she could feel a challenge from. Someone that could help her improve herself. Someone that would help push her to her limits. Nothing was better at finding a rival then becoming a K-pop idol.




★ Rock Star ★


Stage name:Jamie

Persona: (And explain why they have it, if you can)

Position:Trainee(unless something else opens up)

Back up position:

Trainee years:

Trainee life:

Singing Twin: Hyomin

Dancing Twin: Hyoyeon (Only after Kyumin and Yoonhwa intense training)

Rapping Twin: N/a

Talking Twin: Jimin


★ Love Is Energy ★


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(picture of love interest on left, backup on right) (Height at 150)


Love interest: Oh Kyumin

Back up interest: A lunar member

Relationship Status:Teacher/ Instructor

I suppose I should ask you about that.

How you met: When Kyumin get hired?


Interactions: Well eventually Jamie decidng that she doesn't want to completely lose to anybody in dance decides to get extra lessons from Kyumin to help her get better. Eventually going from their she invites Kyumin to have dinner with her (Which she doesn't do much) as thanks for helping her out. They then slowly get to know each other from.


Jamie then decides to try and seduce Kyumin in an effort to get him to go out with her. This involves practicing in clothes that show a bit more skin to get his attention.

Conclusion: Up to the writer.



★ Good Bye Baby ★


Comments: i'm probably going to flesh out this application form more later. i just thought I might show you what I've done.

Scene suggestions/Requests:


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