G-Dragon on Composing Music & GD & TOP muse on their "warm up" before Big Bang's comeback articles

Massive Bang ’s GD&TOP have made an explosive unit debut with their new album, which has created quite the buzz within the business. Reporters from 10asia received the chance to invest days from the Christmas holiday with GD&TOP, attending their performances and interviewing them on their growth as musicians. Interviews had been divided individually, and T.O.P ’s may possibly be read here.


> You might have dark circles undernearth your eyes. (laughter)

GD: “ Yes, I had to perform all night. (laughter)”

> Your schedule has gotten a fantastic deal busier now. You had a period of break after your solo activities, appropriate?

GD: “ After my solo activities, I received permission from our CEO and did as I liked for about two months .”

> It was your very first time taking that lengthy of a break since your debut, appropriate? What type of impressions did you gain from that?

GD: “ It’s tiring and challenging when we have a fantastic deal of schedules, but all of that disappears when everything’s accomplished. I believe the break reflected that exact same feeling – every thing from before becomes some thing that isn’t as massive of a deal when time passes. You’re able to organize your thoughts and work even harder for the future.

The year after I finished my solo activities was the very first chance for me to try some thing new since Massive Bang’s debut. Before, all we did was run, but this past year allowed me to have time to believe and rest. It’s made me a fantastic deal a lot more confident about our next album, and certainly a lot more confident in meeting new persons.

> It’s challenging to discover a word for it, but to put it merely, it appears like your attitude has changed.

GD: “ Yes, it’s changed a fantastic deal. I’ve turn out to be a lot more flexible and a lot more understanding. Our CEO always told me to believe from other perspectives rather than my own. After I heard that, I was able to recognize a fantastic deal a lot more things. Before, when we had a fantastic deal of schedules, I’d complain and ask why we had so numerous. Now, I believe preciously of even the smallest things. I feel like a individual that’s been revitalized after a substantial illness. My condition’s fantastic, and I’m anticipating the things I’ll have the ability to accomplish within the future.

> Sounds like nirvana?

GD: “ As opposed to nirvana, it’s just simpler for me to believe that it’s what I require to do. Persons may possibly believe that I’ve turn out to be prosperous, but to me, those accomplishments have stimulated me to do a lot better and helped me mature. I’m not pressured about how I look to other persons anymore, and I desire to share my gifts with everyone.”

> Did you care about the views of other persons before?

GD: “ Before, the way I would talk would change depending on the various persons I’d meet merely because of my job. The way I acted towards other persons was various compared to the way I acted with my friends, but I believe I’ve reconciled that now.

I’m seriously scared of interviews lately. I know it’s fantastic to erase that line of separation between me and my celebrity image, but interviews in Korea can turn out to be dangerous ( laughter) . Aside from that, I’m not afraid to show who I am to other persons now. This is who I am, and this is why persons like me. This is who I’ll be from now on .”

> There was a lyric inside your intro that left quite the impression: “ I may possibly be short, but my girl’s tall. “ It appears like a phrase that merely organizes all of the complex things that happened into a short, but very simple, “ It’s what it’s .”

GD: “ Yes, a fantastic deal of my thoughts had been organized. At the time of my debut, I was young and never thought about how I would obtain the reflection of other persons. The release of my solo album was when persons began to really judge me. I was hurt a fantastic deal, and it was scary having to wake up within the morning each and every single day., merely because each and every new morning, some thing various happened. At the time, I believe I was severely broken.

> How did you overcome that?

GD: “ With time. Now that time’s passed, I’ve realized that I’m a singer who caters to the public. Whatever I intended, my job would be to make the public accept it, and if I wasn’t able to, that’s my fault. I once wondered what the point was in explaining each and every small thing like that. I kept thinking that I would just produce a lot better for the next album in response, since I wasn’t allowed to express myself via words, which was why I remained quiet. I tried seriously challenging to do every thing I possibly could throughout that time to leave a a lot better impression on persons. Now, persons are a fantastic deal a lot more understanding. I believe that’s how it works: step by step, everyone just matches up to other .”

> Did such changes inside your mindset influence your ? A song off of your album, “Baby Fantastic Night,” is seriously a style you haven’t done before.

GD: “ You’re appropriate. There’s an endless quantity of molds to break out from. Once you stick to a mold, you play the exact same type of each and daily. I believe that’s a issue with idols, and it’s a mission that will never be accomplished. Such issues arise whenever you maintain resting with out releasing new albums .”

> True. Whenever you do not have the freedom to believe, every thing that follows is inertia.

GD: “ Yes, the minute you begin thinking of this as a job, it becomes impossible for correct to be created. Being able to have my own time permits me to get pleasure from the I produce. Regardless of whether I’m making or performing, the artist’s enjoyment is reflected onto the song .”

> It should be harder for you now. You’ve been making a countless number of songs since your debut.

GD: “ I’ve lost confidence via that also. Before, I utilized to believe that I’d have the ability to do well for the rest of my life, but I reached a slump after I started to cage my creativity. I know this may possibly sound cocky at such a young age, but seniors including Seo Taiji say that they felt the pain of creation, appropriate? I’m not at that point yet, but I occasionally wonder regardless of whether I’ve already pulled out every thing I have inside of me, and so now there’s nothing left. Occasionally I wonder regardless of whether I can assure myself of success five, or even ten years from now .”

> I believe that was the case with “Heartbreaker.” For “Lie,” each and every concept was meticulously brought together to be able to produce the track, although “Heartbreaker” lacked that sort of delicacy, which is why I believe it was swept in a plagiarism controversy. In case you had a lot more time, could the result have changed?

GD: “ Although experiencing that period, I felt that I required a lot more time in preparing every thing. Before, I was able to sit down and just complete a track like a machine, but to do that now makes me apologetic to my fans. Standing before persons with out being prepared changes your mental attitude .”

> “Heartbreaker Component II” featured the participation of Flo Rida. The overall track gave off the feeling that you a lot better understood the various sounds in it. It was a recreation that featured new flow and new rhymes.

GD: “ A fantastic deal of persons believe that Flo Rida participated within the song because of the plagiarism controversy, but that wasn’t the case. I wanted to show persons that rappers didn’t fall behind the abilities of a western rapper within the exact same song. Regrettably, persons had been a lot more focused on the controversy that took place before it, so I wasn’t able to obtain positive or negative reviews on the actual song itself.

> Your rapping in Component II left quite the impression. In that short quantity of time, you managed to introduce, develop, and conclude the essence of .
GD: “ Well, it was rapid-fire (laughter ). Previously, my thoughts had been caught up within the reality that “Heartbreaker” was my album’s title track, which largely influenced how it was arranged. For component II, I tried to add stronger selection to be able to show every thing before Flo Rida.

> Having to believe of song in so numerous various methods should have made your viewpoint and musical creativity change.

GD: “ For, it’s turn out to be a fantastic deal a lot more totally free. Each and every feeling for Massive Bang’s album, my solo work, and for GD&TOP’s work is various. The a lot more I compose, the a lot more I discover and mature. For now, I’m not certain what the outcome of this album will probably be, but I know that Massive Bang’s next album will reflect the feelings I went via with this album. Via that cycle, the rest of the members and I will have the ability to source various experiences in maturing ourselves .”

> Your lyrics seem to have changed also. The lyrics you feature in this album seem to give a deeper view into who you are, as opposed to just a literal expression of your self.

GD: “ Just like how movies have comedy, thriller, and horror genres, lyrics have storytelling capabilities also. I wanted to have my lyrics turned into ‘literature’, where persons would have the ability to read them with out – like a sort of story with a clear point that leaves an impression, some thing various from the usual love songs. Ever since I was young, I grew up listening to American rappers, so I believe that largely influenced the storytelling in my lyrics .”

> “Nightmare” off of your album appears to reflect those thoughts. Whenever you close your eyes and just listen to the very first component, it feels as if you’ve been running and are just now beginning to fly.

GD: “ I wanted persons to have the ability to imagine those things with ‘Nightmare.’ I wanted to have the ability to produce a song that may possibly be horrifying to some, and fantastical to others; some thing with an open ending like the movie ‘ Inception .’ An ending that’s left up to the listener’s imagination, seriously. I attempt to pay close attention to the aspect of that permits persons to believe their own thoughts with out there being a straight answer .”

> Probably merely because it’s your solo track, but “Nightmare” appears to have a fantastic deal of your characteristics as a composer. The distinction in change between each and every component is rather big. The beginning changes in four levels also, just like “Lie” and “Heartbreaker.” Do you might have a reason for favoring such a style?

GD: “ It’s the only way I can deliver my to the public in tact. Nowadays, persons can edit parts of songs to turn into ringtones for themselves. The parts they determine on are generally ‘big impact’ sections; oftentimes they determine on the chorus. The chorus has turn out to be an extremely critical aspect of songs now since persons determine regardless of whether they’ll continue to listen to the song or not, and generally only remember the chorus.

As for me, I’d like for each and every component of my song to be remembered by the persons that listen to it. That’s why each and every song is arranged differently and feature a selection of stories.

> It feels like both you and your have passed a sort of moment inside your life.

GD: “ An entertainer is seriously a job where you’re within the public’s eye. I’m a individual that makes and sings it on stage. I require to have my own thoughts and my own to be able to really show myself. All this although, I’ve believed this to be the only job for me, but now I see the pressure of all of the other tasks that come with it.

> Every thing related to you that happened last year became a headline.

GD: “ Yes, being in that scenario makes you a lot more careful, but also a fantastic deal a lot more lonely. But taking the time to sit down and sort all of it out via has helped me turn out to be a lot more natural, which is what allowed me to show 100% of myself via this album.

> It feels like this is your real begin.

GD: “ It seriously is my real begin. Every thing I’ve done till now has been the foundation under my feet. I, Massive Bang included, am beginning fresh.”

> What would you like to do now? You say that “life is shot” inside your lyrics for “High High,” but you’ve reached this point by performing and creating diligently since your debut.

GD: “ I do not believe I’ve taken that shot yet. ( laughter )

> Seriously? (laughter)

GD: “ It may possibly sound like I’m greedy, but even now, I do not believe of it as a lot. You’ll find still so numerous paths I should take and I’ve yet to show a real shot yet. I’m just slowly preparing myself, as this ’shot’ is some thing the members of Massive Bang dream of day, we’re going to make that shot. ( laughter ) .”

Source + Photos: 10asia


GD&TOP muse on their ‘warm up’ before Big Bang’s comeback


GD& recently sat down for an insightful interview with SPN , which explored their concerns over their duo project, their anticipation for the Massive Bang album, and their future plans.

As usual, the boys delivered honest answers when it came to questions about their achievements. “ We worried since it’s been such a lengthy time that we last released an album, but we even won on music programs. It’s so refreshing .”

The duo managed to rank very first on a variety of music programs within two weeks of their promotion cycle. “ It’s been about two along with a half years since we last stood on a Korean stage, so we generally wondered whether we’d have the same impact as the old times. We fully believed that it was a hiatus lengthy sufficient for fans to have forgotten us.”

Naturally, once they made their return, it was apparent that their fears had been unfounded. “ Now we’re genuinely excited about what our fans will believe of our next Massive Bang album.

continued, “ Prior to, we melted all five of our charms into song; but we created this album with just the talents from us two rappers. It feels like our abilities have improved. T.O.P expressed, “ We built upon our efforts layer-by-layer in order to complete a song. It’s a enjoyable warm up prior to Massive Bang’s official in February .”

Speaking of Massive Bang, what could and T.O.P tell fans about the upcoming album?

After lengthy discussions with the members, we all came to the conclusion that it’d be greater to return to the original image of Massive Bang that the public fell in love with, instead of attempting some thing new, ” they explained.

Although zero details about the album had been revealed, the boys hinted, “ The public and our members appear to be tired of electronic sounds, so we’re preparing warmer, a lot more emotional sounds that give an analog genuinely feel. There’s a bit of rock influence also.”

They concluded, “ Since it’s the very first time in a even though that we’re all promoting together, we wish to make certain that we show everyone how a lot we’ve improved as ‘’. We’re also planning a lot more long-term projects and songs in order to meet the fans who’ve been waiting for us for so lengthy .”

Source: SPN via Nate , Edaily


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FairytalePerfection #1
I love him so much.