New Crush(es)...?

Hey guys ! Long time no see XD

well not rlly lol

Anyways about the title


im serious confused just like I was the last time I felt some bing with a guy


only this time....I don't even know why the heck I feel like I'm falling for 3 guys at once..?


crazy, huh...? (Even I don't know ಥ_ಥ


So one by one. We'll call them Boy A, B, C



Boy A is a guy who has the same math class and previous club activity together

its kinda fun messing around with him, but dang...he looks good in uniform/suit (wandering mind...

so, I'm not rlly close to him (well all 3 boys in fact LOLz) but idk...

caz recently he's been taking our line of bus to go run some errands

and every time he got on he lifted his head and greeted me (inward blush) we would talk a little but that's all...

and well the same activity is MUN.

as seniors, we supposedly retired but helped out. So on the second day, there was only another guy (who is really a *sigh* noisy person at times), Boy A and me.

we chatted more too but not much >_<




As for Boy B....well he's the quiet type. He's in AP physics and calc I think.

my best girl friend is friends with him but whenever we pass him I duck my head immediately (even further when I meet gazes with him)

btw, if you're wondering a recent post of one of my updated life stuff has an incident with him XD 

also, every time my best friend and I go toward English class, his locker (along with boy A --> in same homeroom) we will pass and sometimes I just chat casually with my best friend then meet gazes with him (le wanna bury self into hole in embarrassment )



okay so I participate in a weekly fellowship group. 

one of the guys, boy C (ta-dah!) does not go to my school but a public/local school in Taipei. However he's also a really excellent student.

he plays the guitar but sadly refuses to sing (saying he despises to sing XD ) and well, we always have time where we split into groups for discussions or updates for each other. And when occasionally I'm in the same group as him, I avoid his gaze -///- XDD 

i think I do like him, but since I'll be going overseas...I don't know....


So now I'm a confused ball of emotions and will go curl up into a corner XD 


or wel,...what do you guys think?


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Nice love life you have there

I'm not experienced so I can't help you lol

I'm kinda in a similar situation
IDK in my experience if you can't even exchange gazes with a guy, let alone talk to him, it prob will not amount to anything
But lots of animes could prove me wrong so XD
I think guy A suits you~ hahaha xDD and C? cx