Why is everyone leaving me?

Hey guys... I'm about to vent my feelings, so if you want to stay: stay, but if you want to leave: by all means. 

Thank You. 



Okay. So I've been feeling really ... lonely. I just feel that everyone is leaving me. I used to have great friends, but they all went away. And what I mean by that is, they just move away, went to a different school. And sometimes I don't get to see some of them because they have different classes from me. That's what causes me to lose my friends. 

When I started high school, I made a lot of friends. I was happy to be around them. I figured that we would be friends throughout high school. But I was wrong. A few of my closest friends went to a different school. It really saddens me. Maybe it's just my personality, but I can be very reserved. I don't talk much and making friends can be difficult for me. I prefer to be alone sometimes. But this year, the loneliness that I've been feeling since the start of this school year just overwhelms me.

I'm a junior in high school now. I go to a school that has 3,000 students. It's a big school. Like look at this: 



But the point is, I only talk to about 5 people here. I have a lot of acquaintances,  yet very few good friends. My best friend who i known my entire life goes to another school, so I don't get to see her often. I see some of my old friends from past years but I rarely talk to them because I rarely see them. This has been really bothering me, sometimes I just feel like breaking down and crying because I feel so lonely. (I actually cried over this last night.) My grades haven't been that great year because I'm very stressed. My mom has been on bugging me that I have to get a scholarship and money problems. I'm trying. I really am. I try so hard in school but all these thoughts and stress have been killing me. I told myself that I shouldn't worry about these things because when I'm an adult, I'll be even lonelier. Yet, we are all humans and being alone can be very overpowering to our emotions. We can't be alone forever. We have to have someone who will be there no matter what.

Anyways, have any of you guys felt this before. If so, how are you dealing with it? Because I need some advice on how to overcome this pain of loneliness. This year has been tough on me. However, I hope 2015 will be a lot better. For those who read all the way to the end, Thank you. Even if you don't reply, I'm still glad that you at least read it.





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