worst day ever --'

I have no mood after I went to school this morning. I just....argh --' Luckily, I ate "cookies & cream" ice cream plus I added oreo to make me calm down for  a moment.


The reason:

- I'm a malay girl, so every girl must use 'tudung' in our school except few private school. I'm a PRS (a choosen student who is selected to be a councelor student to help other students with their problems, i think) and we must use green tudung. The first day of school, I wore my white tudung and it --' Why? I didn't use it like 2 years already and now, I'm feeling uncomfortable with it *sigh* I looked at the mirror many times.

- Last year, my class was on 3rd floor. This year, still the same but different class. --' Aish, I don't like going upstairs and downstairs all the times. and the class was a mess! Many rubbish on the floor, it was our senior's class (most of them are boys) *sigh*

- Before we were told which our class was,  we went to the hall and the principal was having a bored, long speech --' We recited doa, singing national anthem and bla-bla-bla.  The principal said every student must have a reading diary

*reading diary- after we done reading an english book, we wrote the summary & vocabulary thingy.

I was like, O.o "I hope my picture is not infront of the cover" because I did take a picture by my english teacher last year with my friend. Gaaah, he tricked us --' But at the end, he gave us chocolate. wheee! :D About that, the teacher gave us a look of the reading diary cover with the big screen and guessed what?

my picture is on the cover with other students...but mine is the big one. --' BIG, you know. BIG! my friend was the small one. huhuhuhu.

I didn't look at it but my friend was like, "si Qee!" Oh...my...god, now all of the students in our school will know my ugly face. I looked down.....not going to see it, never! 

What if they laugh at the picture?

What if they draw on the picture?

What if they do something with the picture? What if the icky guy who was flirting on me last two years, eventhough it was not working out but still, he tried and buy the book? Oh...no. gaaaah, i don't want to remember that icky guy anymore!!! 

I think I decided to buy it all and burned it for good. as if --'

My friends were like, "Qee's picture just now!", "You're become popular!" I smiled bitterly. Ha...ha...ha. Popular? There's no popular in my dictionary --' 

When it was break time, my english teacher named Mr. Willie was in front of the class beside me. the one who did take our picture and also, photoshop it! He is our favorite and awesome teacher! He always gave us chocolate (:

I talked to my teacher:

Me: Sir, why did you use the picture? *sad*

Sir: Sorry, Qeelah. 

Me: Burn it, sir!

Sir: Sorry, we already printed out of 800 copies. *smile*

Me: *shock* what?

My friend: hahahaha, her picture is nice!

Sir: Yes *giggled with my friend*

Me: *glare at her* 

My friend: .......

Finally, I wanted chocolates and he gave us! Wheepeee! I didn't care about the reading diary anymore! It is sell for 5 dollars. We have to buy it and when I buy it, I will stick Hyuna face at my face on the cover :p 

- We didn't have many tables in the class since the seniors were so lazy to bring the tables up after their big exams. So we had to carry the table at the hall to to our class..........at 3rd floor --' My leg hurts right now T.T

- We took our textbooks from the 1st floor to the 3rd floor. Huh, I wish we have a special elevator --' When the bell strikes 12.30 means going home, we had to go down again --' Hohohohoho, science class's studdents were suffering while other students weren't.

- I usually went back to home late. Sometimes after 30 minutes, my mom arrived. Thanks god, the school wasn't quiet since year 7 and 8 are at the evening session. Each by each the students left, I'm alone.....with 10 heavy textbooks --' After 35 minutes, finally my mom arrived. I went into the car with a grumpy face. hohohohoho.



Thank you for reading my awful moments this morning *bow* 


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@donchaclick: i know --'
Wow, what a very bad day :(