STAR Entertainment ☆ Moon Tae Hyuk



Nickname: Nevada

Profile link: CaughtNevada



★ Let Me Introduce Myself ★


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(replace pictures with face claim) (Height is 150)


Japanese Character Name: Tsuki Taika

Korean Character Name: Moon Tae Hyuk

Character Nickname(s): (Cain (Because the man in the moon is said to be Cain) and Tsuki because it's moon in japanese and his sir name)

Birthday+age: (27th November 1992) (17 in 2008) (21 in 2012)

uality: (Please tell me if your character is gay/bi/questioning/etc.)

Height: 180

Weight: 76 Kg

Blood type: O

Ethnicity: Korean and Japanese

Birthplace: Japan

Hometown: Osaka

Languages: Korean, Japanese (Fluent) English (Barely)


★ You’re Beautiful ★


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(picture of face claim on left, back up on right) (Height at 150)


Face claim: Ho Jun Yeon (Gallery)

Back up face claim: Lee do Hyung  (Gallery)

Appearance: Black hair and blue eyes

Style: Wears glasses so that he can see but usually wearss contacts instead so people insult him for being short sighted. He also typically likes to wear more winter like clothes because he finds them more comfortable. He wears a dark navy jacket with a fur hood. He matches it with bright red skinny jeans and black buckle boots. Addtionally he wears a black long sleeve with a moon undernath his jacket. He also always has headphones around his neck.


★ Do You Know Me ★




"Are you sure he's a shy person?" -  Tae Hyuk is a somewhat shy person when you first met him that is. After that he slow begins to loosen up with you. Until eventually he is comfortable around you. This means he will tease you about your ideal type, Who you go out with and who you like. Who knows he may even place you an awkward situation with said person.


"Wait you like them too?!" - Tae Hyuk tends to beware of peoples feeling over certain things. But if he feels like you like something he'll have a look at it in his own time. He usually grows to like what you like and will want to hang out and talk about said subject of your attention. But other times when it comes to other things where he doesn't quite know how to take things he'll usually just say he's okay with because usually he is.


"You sold your manga collection for me?!?" - If you ever need more for something that Tae deems absoultely important to you and you need money for it. He'll sell what ever possessions he has to help you out. Besides his head phones no one is touching those. But he only helps people he deems close friends in this way.  Usually he'll find a way to get more money that doesn't involve selling his things but if he really cares about you he will sell his .

"I'll be here if you need me.." - Tae Hyuk will always be there if you need it. He'll always be there to inspire, Comfort or encourage you . Even if he's in a bad mood. Because that's what he always want in a friend. That's the she was to him. But he only ask if you want to talk he'll never pry any further than that unless he deems it nessacerray. This is because he knows sometimes people need space.


"Are you sure you okay man? I mean you're always their for me" - But that doesn't nessacreily mean that he accepts the same help back. Tae Hyuk is always one to keep his negative emotions insidew and never speak a word about them ever. He usually lie and say he's fine because he it's true most of the time. He'll even give one of his fake smiles. But he makes sure not to do it too often otherwise people will notice.


"What got into him?" - But because he keeps his anger and sadness inside. He can sometimes be suspectible to them boiling over. Resulting in him randomly bursting out in anger. Which can offend people most of the time. This usually happens due to stress and a call from his mother or a mixture of both. But if you insult about his parents or anything relating to that I guarantee he'll ran of somewhere to be alone.


"You're so god damn DENSE Tae " - Tae Hyuk can be really dense when it comes to interactions with the oppsite gender. So much so if you try hitting on him or flirting with him it'll just go over his head. That's why you have to be direct with him otherwise he won't understand.


"You push yourself to hard man" - Tae Hyuk pushes himself really hard. Sometimes to far. This is because he doesn't want to be viewed as worthless. But because of this he's known to collapse randomly and fall asleep in the most weirdest of places much to his band mates chargrin.



Reading manga

Watching Anime.

Playing video games.

Night time.



Sitting outside when it's night time and/or if it's raining or snowing.


Being nice to people






People that pry into his past.



Too much heat.

No one listening to him

Being ignored.



He has a tendency to call people sensei,senpai or kouhai because of his japanese heritage. Instead of Hyung and Noona and the such.

Having showers late at night.

Practitcing at night when eveeryon else is asleep.

Writing poerty and/or lyrics about people he knows.

Always eating something sugary like pocky or lollipops.



Reading manga

Watching Anime


Listening to people

Writing lyrics/Poetry



Can't swim

Is allergic to permant marker.

Gets random romantic ideas to try on girls. But he feels like they'll get the wrong idea.

His Childhood friend gave him his headphones.

Will sometimes put people into awkward situation to try and get them together.

Has never lived in the same place for more than a year.

Had a crush on his childhood friend.

Childhood friend is love interest.

Childhood friend gave him the name Cain.

Doesn't really have a good fashio sense.

His first girlfriend gave his current look and he's perfected it ever since.

Gets up at 5 in the morning no matter what and makes his band mates breakfast.

He actually enjoys Im Kyuri's teaching style after all she only makes them work so hard because she doesn't want them to be useless something that Moon doesn't want to be. He's also willing to spend extra time working on his vocals with her.

He also gets along with Oh Kyumin because dancing helps him release some of his pent up emotions and Kyumin is willing to teach him.

Looked up to T.o.p and his skills when it came to rapping. He tried learning how to rap but that didn't really work out. But he decided to get better at vocals and dancing seeing as T.o.p thing was rapping and he wasn't really good at dancing. So he figured that everybody has their weaknesses.


★ History ★



Name Kanzaki Haruko || Age 49 || Job C.E.O || Traits Workholic

Name Moon Seung Eun || Age 56 || Job C.E.O || Traits Unknown

Name Hwang Min Gi || Age 45|| Job Sales Rep || Traits Kind, Truthful, Nice and caring


Name Kwon So Hyun || Age 15 in 2008 19 in 2012 || Job Member of 4minute || Traits

Name || Age || Job || Traits




"I never meant anything to either of them did I?" - Moon Tae Hyuk was the illegitmate child of two c.e.os one night stand. His parents were just trying to sort out business negotions when one thing led to another. Leading to the birth of Moon Tae Hyuk. His father doesn't know he exist. This is because if news went out that two c.e.os had an illegitimate child together it would wreck their reputation and their respective companies. So he never really got to know his dad. But that didn't from feeling like his father abandoned him because he thought he was worthless. His mother was just as bad. She never came home and he spent his time with a babysitter that he never really cared about. That's when his mother had decided that it would be better for him to be raised by someone that would actually care for him.


"So you're my aunty?" - So Tae Hyuk was sent to his "Aunty" Hwang Min Gi. She wasn't really his aunty just a friend of his mothers. She wouldn't lie to the poor boy.  Tae Hyuk Apperciated that fact that she was completely honest with him. But he felt like his mother had abandoned him just like his father. That's when Hwang started calling him Moon Tae Hyuk which was a rough translation of his japanese name Tsuki Taika. This was fitting seeing as the were living in south korea. So she decided to teach the boy Korean alongside his usual japanese lessons. Leading him to be fluent in both korean and Japanese. He was actually starting to enjoy his life in Korea. He even managed to make a couple of friends and he also felt like that Hwang was more of mother to him than his actual mum. But even with good things their are downsides. Thanks to Hwang's job they would have to keep moving so often.


"There's no point in making friends anymore is there?" - So much so that Tae Hyuk decided that there was no point in making friends anymore. After all what's the point of making friends when you're going to leave anyway? Hwang was against this line of thinking but there was nothing she could do to change the boys mind. That was until one afternoon Tae Hyuk was getting bullied for not having any friends. He decided that he would just let them after all they were going to move again anyway. SO he should be able to deal with it for now. That's what he thought but it kept getting worse and worse. That's when someone interfered in their bullying and kicked their asses. Afterwards she asked Tae Hyuk what his name was. He responded with the obvious answer Moon Tae Hyuk. That's when she gave him the nickname Cain after the man in the moon. Who people believe is Cain. That's when he gave the girl the nick name Kuroneko after he toyboyish apperance and the scratch makes she left on the bullies. The two slowly became friends from that point and once again Cain began to enjoy his life in Korea.


"We'll be best friends forever?" Friends slowly become close friends then best friends and sometimes something more. That's what Cain wanted from his relationship with Kuroneko (Kwon So hyun or Jun Hyosung depending on your choice). But unfortnately the two best friends got into an argument over Kuroneko spending sometime with a guy that Cain didn't know. Leaving Kuroneko somewhat upset with him. To make matters worse that night he found out that Him and Hwang were moving again. He spent the next few days in his room and the few days when he went to school to tell Kuroneko to tell her he was moving she avoided him. But thankfully on the last day


"I'm sorry... But I'm moving..." - But thankfully on the last day he managed to get her to met in the allwayway where they first met. That's when he finally told her "I'm sorry... But I'm moving..." he spoke sadly. This got the girls attention. The visibly broke her heart leaving tears silently trailing done her face. She immeditaly gave Cain a hug telling him "Please don't go. I'm sorry for getting mad at you the other day". "I'm sorry but I have to..." He responded wistfully. "Well I want you to have this then" She responded taking off her head phones which had never been seen without. She then placed around Cain's neck and pulled him into a kiss. Their first kiss. She then immediatly ran off afterwards. Leaving Cain in shock over what happened. 


"I'm going to build a place where I belong" - Many years later Cain still thought about Kuroneko even if he had a girlfriend at the time. After all he still had her headphones. Anytime they would break he would fix them after all they were hers. He nothing else left of hers he didn't even know her name. He couldn't even remember if she had told him at all to begin with.  But that's when he came to a decision he would build a place where he would belong so that sort of thing would never happen again. So he decided to become a K-pop idol for three reasons. First so that he would never have to move again and start fresh. Two to prove to his parents that he wasn't worthless and they mad a mistake by abandoning him. Lastly to met her again.



★ Rock Star ★


Stage name: Cain

Persona: (And explain why they have it, if you can)

Position: Lead Dancer, Lead Vocalist

Back up position: Trainee?

Trainee years: 5 years if he's in lunar?

Trainee life:

Singing Twin: L +Chanhee

Dancing Twin: Dongwoo +Sungmin

Rapping Twin: N/A

Talking Twin: Taewoon


★ Love Is Energy ★


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(picture of love interest on left, backup on right) (Height at 150)


Love interest: Kwon So Hyun



Relationship Status: Childhood friend/ Romantic interest.

Personality: Well in the past she used to have really tomboy tendencies like getting into to fist fights and what not. But she would only get into those fights for good reason like a friend being in danger or something. She gained Cain's aperciation of Manga, Anime and video games even though most of them were in japanese. Causing her to learn some from him.


But when they met again she still has her apperaction for anime, Manga and Video games. But she had shed most of her tomboy tendencies. Making her more of a girl in most aspects. But she still remained the kind hearted person that would getting into fights for the people she cared about.


How you met: They met as children when Cain was getting bullied for not having any friends. They later met again. But Cain doesn't recognise her because of her long it's been and the fact she doesn't look as much of a tom boy as she did.


Interactions: When she first meets Cain again she recognizes him instantly because of his headphones. After all they were hers. She expects him to recognize her back but he doesn't. That's when she realizes that one she never told him her name because she like the name Kuroneko too much. Second was the fact was that she had changed alot since he had last saw her. Unlike him who just seemed to get taller he just remained the same basically. To her anyway.


Deciding it would be easier for to start their relationship again from the beginning she introduces herself by her name. She tries to use her prior knowledge of him to woo him. But sometimes it has unexpected results. Anyway after awhile she slowly start to regain her tomboyish tendencies and will start to mock hit him and stuff like that. Until eventually she finds out that he kept looking for her when left. She reveals that she was here the whole time.

Conclusion: Up to the writer.


Secondary love interest: Jun Hyosung

Relationship status: Rival/Romantic interest.

Personaility: She is some what mean to Tae Hyuk and the members of Lunar because she thinks that they won't amount to much seeing as they've only just debuted. So she usually will put down Tae hyuk and his bandmates so she will typically be seen as a for the most part for the first couple of interactions but she slow will see the potential in the Lunar and will stop being mean as much. She'll eventually encourage Lunar in a rivailistic way.

But eventually She'll tease the members of lunar. Especially Tae Hyuk. This could lead to some awkard yet hilarous situations if you wished. But anyway to describe her personailty during her first few interactions would be a bit ice queenish. Then she'll slowly start defrosting if you know what I mean.

How you met: They met after Lunar's Debut stage or something like that. Depends on what you want to do really? Anyway she harshly critizaes Lunar performance when the come off stage.

Interactions: Jun Hyosung will be rather harsh to lunar especially to Tae Hyuk who she feels like doesn't really deserves his posistion in the group. So much so that she challenges him to dance battle and the loser has to do what the winner says. She gives Tae Hyuk one week to practice (This could be used to help improve Cain's relationship with his band mates and the staff).

She then slowly warms up to Tae Hyuk and lunar because of their efforts to help Cain practice for their dance battle. She also realizes that he didn't earn his posistion in lunar from pure luck. It's because of his hard work and determination. This causes Hyosung to change her whole few point on Lunar as a whole. Making her think that they could get far if they kept this sort of behaviour up. 

After awhile she'll try to get Tae Hyuk's attention by teasing him much to his chargrin. Sometimes she'll come off mean instead of michieveous. Making her resort to other "Tactics". But after awhile she feels like That he can't like someone like her because she's always mean to him on a regular basis. 

She'll often think she hates him because of past interactions with him and the her attuitude with him.

Conclusion: up to the Writer


★ Good Bye Baby ★



I think it would be a great idea to have variety show chapters and such.

Also potentially sub units.

I think that would be call too.

I was gonna suggest something else but it escaped my brain.

But I'll let you know when I remember?


Scene suggestions/Requests:


Variery shows :D I'll if need be :D


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