` Universal Rulers : Bang Jaesoon — the Jack 。


Bang Jaesoon

hyeonq : kenlee : 8.5 of 10


the basics.

name » Bang Jaesoon

nickname(s) » 

- Jason (Jr.) : his dad mainly calls him jason; or his english friends.
JJ : his english friends call him this since his english name is Jacson Jr.

- Jae : just a shorter version of his korean name.

birthday » 10/16/1994 | 21

hometown & BirthPlace » London, Britain | Seoul,SK

ethnicity » He is full korean.

language » 

- English : fluent; he learned it from where he was raised, in britain.
- Korean : fluent; he learned it while learning english as a child through his mother.


singing twin » Yonghwa ; listen to this, seriosuly.

rapping twin » Kim Himchan.
dancing TWIN » Lee Minho.

Talking TWIN » Yonghwa





" i am the sea and nobody owns me. "

" the people you love become ghosts inside 
you and like this you keep them alive "





face claim » Jo GeunHyeong

backup face claim » N/A


appearance » Jason is maticulious with his hair. He is one of those idols who has to make sure his hair is on point. he perfers it long and dark, but eventually wants to try black undershave and blond on top. his hair is naturally wavy. He's pretty fit and lets just say, legs for dayzzz. one more thing, he'll only wear his hair 3 ways; slicked back, parted in the middle, or a swope bang. dont touch his hair.

Hair color : right now black, but later on he goes platinum.
Eye color : brown

Tattoos : x x x x let's just say, him being british, he is very religious.
Height : 6'0ft

Weight : 155 lbs

style » Jaesoon wears mostly darker hues of clothes. Many people compare his fashion sense to that of GD, Junhyung, or even Key. His sense of fashion is different but standoff-ish. When he isn't caught wearing somethin different, he'll be wearing classy suit. He's got long legs, so he adores what suit pants make his legs look like. He knows hes good looking, so he wants to make sure others know that as well; and waht better way to compliment himself than through fashion sense. at times, most of his jeans will be a hair too short so he'll accent his look with different looking socks or boots. he also likes wearing comfortable pants; he doesnt like things being too tight up in there if ya know wha i mean.

- Dorm/Casual : x. x. x. x. x.
- Practice : x. x. x. x. x.

- Airport :  x. x. x. x. x.
- Dressed up :  x. x. x. x. x.

- Everyday Attire :  x. x. x. x. x.




Jason lived a normal life. He went to high school, graduated on time, and had two loving asian parents. He was often made fun of, however, throughout highschool because people called him the awkward-pimple faced guy. He was six foot as a freshman in high school and a lanky kid who never worked out. After taking the advanced classes through his years in high school, his last year he took two gym classes and choir and guitar lessons as well as whatever else he needed. He ended his last years of high schol as a good looking guy who didn't give a about the people who didnt give a about him. He bulked up, got contacts, and a new hair cut. He grew up. Shortly after graduating, his father passed away from lung cancer. His mother, who was lost and depressed, found it was best to move to Seoul, Soth korea where her family lives, in hopes of turning her life around. Jason adapted quickly to the new enviornment thanks to his parents raising him with korean and english, it was just the culture that was a bit harder to get use to, and his three-year-old nephew he has to now take care of thanks to his young sister wanting to continue to party and be young. His mother, however, still continued to have issues on moving on, so Jason got a job at the age of 18 and began to work. He was scouted for a modeling career thanks to his long legs, but he soon found that his passion was in singing, so he auditioned.


Jason basically lives on the go. He has a depressed mother to take care of, two very old grandparents who cant take care of a three year old boy, and a sister who is only 23 and refuses to be tied down by a child from a fathe who doesnt care about him. that being said, jason makes sure in his very power that he takes care of his nephew like its his own kid. because of this, he actually wants kids of his own. He loves his newphew dearly, just as much as his mom. He calls her dayly to check up on her to make sure shes okay. if he can tell his mother is going through a rough patch he'll drop everything to swing by the house that is thankfully a few blocks away from JYP AND the dorm. most days he lets his nephew sleep over because he knows the girls dont mind and he knows hes in sfe hands. He helped his mom get a job and with her now socializing, she seems to be in lighter moods.

personality » 

+ caring + funny + creative +patient

- confident - nosey - smart -honest


Meet the almost an but he can change your mind in an instant type of guy. He is a very opinionative guy and if need be, he'll happily state his opinion. However, it is the way he states his opinion that makes him an . He is one of those guys that thinks he's right. But he is also a guy who likes to progress if its for the better of himself or others. Another way he is an is through his smart remarks. If he doesnt like your attitude or personality, he'll say something smart whether its under his breath or to that persons face. He'll only apologize if you are important benefactor in his life.


Thank god he is patient though, because if you piss him off he'll stay mad basically for the rest of the day. When he blows up, he explodes, then he'll be a kindled fire until someone can find a way to calm him; the way to calm him? a hot shower, bringing his nephew over, playing with his hair(even though ironically at first it'll piss him off because he is a perfectionist about his hair), or cooking him food. But he always says not to test his patience because if you do, you'll get the but end of it. if you decide to with him and he gets mad, just know that he'll become an overly smartass, most honest, and the biggest douchebag you could imagine. 


He is very caring though, and at times he will use his caring power to become nosey. If you ask for help, he'll help you in all means necassary. He can b a push over if you give him the right stare and cute actions. He kinda has a weak spot for it now that he has a child he looks after. Because his life is rather boring, however, he'll get to know someone, or act like he cares(which for the most part hedoes) then pry you open and try to figure out your deepest secrets or drama you are harboning. Like a girl, in an aspect, he lieks to listen to petty drama. Why? Two reasons; one, he likes to be in the known. he likes to know who is mad at who and who to stear clear from. two; he likes to figure out why people tic. its like a psychology thing. what makes this person upset over this other person?


The best part of Jaeson? His confidence. He knows he catches his because of his long legs and handsome face. Because of that people find his arrogant, and he is. To cover up his arrogance or something he said that seems cocky, because he likes to keep an image, he'll crack a joke about himself to balance it out. Although people do laugh and agree to his joke that he makes about himself, it at times brings his self esteem down, but he certainly doesnt like to show it.  jaeson is also creative. he has to be. with a child roaming in and out of his life and to counter balance his cockiness, he finds ways to gain more points with people and his fans. 


the only time you will see jaeson without a smile isif his mother isnt doin well or he hasnt seen his nephew for a long time. His nephew is basically his light. His mother is his right arm. After losing his father whom he looked up to so much, he acts like her guardian and he doesnt care to let others know either. He's passionate about the people he loves. And this isnt a facade. He will proudly say he's a mama's boy. he will happily call his nehpew his own child. If there is one thing he is confident besides his looks, its his love he has for his loved ones.


- kids ; mabe because he always wanted another sibling or because he wants to protect their innocence & from being bullied like he was.

- coffee ; he drinks it night and day.

- night walks ; fresh air is his favorite. winter is not tho.

- staying active. he doesn't like not doing anything.

-  food; he actually really loves to stuff his face.

- he actually really loves womens legs; long or short.


- braggers ; because he is one himself.

- talking about controversial things because it brings out the worst in him.

- reading ; he hated it in high school.

- dancing ; he finds himself tripping more than moving.

- unnecassary things; like when people buy the same shoe only in different colors. finds it stupid.


- he snaps his fingers when trying to think of things.

- he does a lot of skinship, unintending to.

- he likes to pretend he can dance so when hes in a good mood he'll do some weird dance movements.

- he doesnt like to smile because when he does people say he's cute.

- he tends toflirt with attractive women. duh.


- he actually enjoys people watching. hobby, right?

- he can play the guitar and the piano. sometimes he'll be in his room or the sound room playing an instrument and just singing music.

- he cooks o cheer himself up sometimes.

- drinking coffee & smoking cigarettes.

- working out, jogging, or going for long walks to think to himself.


- his love for eating has made him an excellent cook.

- he smokes cigarettes ; he's trying to quit which is making his temper and patience run thin.

- he has terrible eye sight. he has these black round glasses with thick lenses he wears when he is irresponsible with his contacts; dont call him cute.

- play with his hair; he'll get mad but then he'll be groaning and falling alseep on your lap.

- he actually really likes dancing and wants to learn but as he tells people "my legs dont process what my brain is thinking fast enough"






Bang Seo Young (Susan) : Mother : 43

Personality : depressed, over all sweet, soft spoken

Relationship: jaeson's mother is very dependant on others. when jason's father died she lost all hope and jason's oldest sister showed no signs of caring after getting into drugs and partying. so jason became close; he became her guardian and she became dependant on her son. so when he leaves to fullfill his dreams, she becomes depressed. he checks up on her constantly; hes a mamas boy.


Bang Jisun (Juliette) : Older Sister : 23

Personality : self centered, rude, uncaring

Relationship: Jaeson and jisun dont have much of a relationhip. he hates her for being uncaring towards her child and for being reckless. they dont talk and when they do its jaeson yelling at her over her son she had when she was only 20 in britain right before they moved to seoul.


Bang Jae Hoon ( Jacob) : Nephew : 3

Personality : bubly, caring, sweet

Relationship: this is literally his child. his blood kin but his child he'll claim happily. he takes care of him, showers and spoils him, he loves him unconditionall.y



Friends » 

Bernad Park : Friends : 21

Personality : nice, charismatic, soft spoken

Relationship: he enjoys singing and composing with this friend. They get along well & want to do a collab in the future.


Jang Woo Young : Respectable Friends : 25

Personality : cocky, confident, goofy

Relationship: when wooyoung over heard jaeson singing in the pratice room, the two soon became friends. wooyoung was impressed by his talents and often helpd jaeson with dance moves and improving his vocals as well.


Baek A Yeon : Flirtation/Friends : 21

Personality : bubbly, flirtaous, sweet

Relationship: he fell in love with her smile and voice, she fell in love with his legs. thats about it. he admires her, says she is his ideal aside from hyosung,(h e loves agirl with a big smile) and they flirt often but nothing comes from it besides a push and pull.


Rivals » nada. he is too busy to care.




- Jeon Hyosung : Strangers : 25

Personality : bubbly, sweet, funny

Relationship: They dont know each other. He just always admired her dance moves, her gummy smile, and her sweet personality.




Back-up plotline » N/A

trainee background » almost 3 years.


how'd you get in? »

He was first scouted by a manager who just lost his job. Jaeson was on the streets of seoul, just a few months from moving there, singing on his guitar a simple song he wrote. The manage didnt want him for his amazing singing, they wanted him for his long legs. He was only a model for a short while before his handsome face began to spiral out of control. Yet again, he was on the streets of seoul when he realized his dream wasnt in modeling, but in singing. after collecting his small amount of cash from his hat, there was also a buisness card.lo-and-behold he auditioned and mariculously got in.


Jaeson was at his skinniest during his trainee period. he lost a ton of weight, slept hardly, and took care of his new born nephew. Nevertheless he still tried to work as hard as he could, espically on his dance moves. hes improved but its still a shame, honestly. regardless it was one of his most stressful periods but also funnest simply because he was racking in money from modeling to keep him going on and trying to achieve his goal of all time, debuting. Oh & the ladies loved him. or his face at least.


persona » Daddy Long-Legs; for taking care of jacob & his long legs.

Stage name » Jaeson/Jae

Position » Main Singer

Back-up Position » N/A

fanclub name » The JJ's ; to represent Jae Hoon & Jaesoon.

fanclub color » #66ccff ; baby blue


past events » 

Sunmi - 24 hours MV & Full Moon MV :  Sunmi : they needed a strong & tall man & handsome face, and jaeson auditioned for the part.

Magazine Ads & Clothing Lines :  other models : he was in the modeling agency before he was a trainee

future events » 

Acting Role in a drama :  Any One : He's hoping he'll get in through auditioning. he took acting and really enjoyed it in his last years of hgih school

Collab with San E or Zion T:  Zion T / San E : he sends a note over to either of them asking to collab.

More modeling stuff,fashion shoes, etc. :  any one : hes a model.

solo album/cover »

- To You : Babay : Come as You Are ft. dok2  : Star

scandals »

UR's BAng Jaesoon is a father? : obviously he isnt. after they debut he is seen holding, walking around and clung to with his nephew. he just explains he loves him too much and he adores taking care of him to avoid his sister being bashed and hated on.

Ah yeon & Bang Jaeson flirting? Dating? : they are seen hugging and teasing each other a lot so the misunderstanding was cleared up quickly to show they are just friends.

UR's Bang Jaeson doing drugs? + Shaved head? : after a picture is released of jaeson smoking something people asumed at first it was a cigaretter. rumor got around that jaeson shaved his head to avoid his hair being tested for drugs and such. it was infact a cigarette, and his head wasn't shaved; the sides were and because his hair was a work in progross he wore his hair in a bun on his head with a beanie  over top. it was quickly resolved with a confession and professionalism.

Jaesoons' sister jailed & Jaehoon moves in with the UR's? : jaesoon's siter is put in jail for possession he has to bail her out but she loses custody over jaehoon so jaeson adpts jaehoon as his own and he has to take care of him, too. when jaehoon isnt at the dorm, he is with his mother.

social media » 

facebook : n/a

twitter : jaesoonjype

instagram : bang_jaesoon


the one and only.

love interest » Name : Band

nickname : who and why?

backup love interest » Name : Band

nickname : who and why?

CURRENT STATUS? » are you single, taken or what? are you and your love together or nah?


personality » Give me a good paragraph describing them. make sure to give me GOOD and BAD qualities. two paragraphs would be loved.


HOWD YOU MEET? » a paragraph is good.


RELATIONSHIP » how do you guys act around each other? how do you see each other? do you sneak out? etc?


IN THE END... » how should you guys end up? together? nah? at the end of the story, whats goin on between you two?






-Uhh... {/his eyes shift around as he thought then left off a shrug} Ace. She speaks english.



- Uhhh... {/yet again his eyes shift around as he thought} the spade. he speaks english.



- {/sighs loudly, shifting in chair and starts snapping his fingers as he thinks about the name in mind} Well I like to think I get along with everyone.. But I suppose if I have to chose it'd be the queen. She doesnt speak english.



- {/he shrugs slightly and sighs once more} this question again.. maybe the king. He can dance well and I cannot..



- In all honesty, I'm probably the laziest. I am so warn out from taking care of everyone but myself that i leave messes behind and dont bother picking them up until i hurt myself, hrt others, or get scolded by it. {/snorts;}



- Height. The fact that i can't dance. I'm most active? I don't know.



- Can I go see Jaehoon now? I'm hungry so it'll give me an excuse to leave by saying he's hungry. {/slowly tries to leave}


last words.

comments/suggestions » n/a

scene requests » n/a

password » universal rulers


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