
I've experienced getting rejected by someone. I loved him, I really did. It still hurts until now. I did everything for him to like me. I made him laugh, listen to his rants, laughed at his jokes, helped him win his homework, etc. I tried not having feelings for him since he already liked someone else but it didn't work.

Then one day he told my friend that he didn't like me at all. And I was thinking, "what did I do wrong?" Until now, I have no idea what made him dislike me.

Now, I moved on from him and I like his classmate. You know, the guy I'm always talking about nowadays.

But unfortunately, someone likes me (loves me he says). I don't like him back and just see him as a friend. He likes my ask answers, hugs me in public and basically does anything to get mu an tension but to no avail. I still like him (gabby you know who I'm talking about)

i encouranged him to keep trying and that I'd try to have feelings for him as well. He knows about my crush but he still tries.

Did I do the right thing?


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i mean i DIDNT get what you're trying to say.... im sowwy
bae, i didnt expect that you still remembered me after i became hiatus here at aff ><
but i rlly get what youre talking about-
you mean that HE didnt like you? the -coughs-karateortaekwando-coughs- kid, and who yoy mean the guy who likes you but you didnt like back? imma getting confused here :(((
If u still like another person then it's better to not give him any hope until you've moved on. Just because things like these often do not end so well.

my friend did the same thing like you and the guy turned into a stalker. (Very creepy) but hopefully yours doesn't turn out like that.
Well, I've been in your shoes a couple of times. If you want to give him (the one who likes you) a chance, you can. But don't give him too much hope. Like you said, being rejected hurts. If you're confident and a hundred percent sure that you don't see and wouldn't see him as more than a friend, then I suggest that you be honest about it to him. It's better he knows now than later. It will definitely hurt but it will hurt less than when you're holding on to something, hoping to see a positive result but have your hopes crushed into pieces in the end.