Nothing bugs me more -

As a writer, this may come off as contradicting, but as a human, i still have my own opinions.


i CANNOT STAND mpreg or completely unrealistic stories! This is not talking about AU stories that are meant to be unrealistic; this i talking about stories that are meant to be realistic but are given unrealistic circumstances.

what i mean is, although fanfiction is written for just that, fiction, i refuse to read stories about american girls who only have like a fourth of korean in them, get accepted into SM.


my stories are not realistic. Some stories i currently read, are mot realistic HOWEVER, the difference is, they give a plausible cause or reason that makes the situation SEEM,FEEL, or LOOK like it could happen.

im picky. I'm not even gonna talk about mpreg. Or continue on this rant; i will not put you down or say youre a terrible writer because i disagree with your decisions, however just know i have no interest. Not that that matters.

end rant. 


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Mpreg i just can't accept. it's unnatural. men cannot get pregnant. end of story. and i don't find bending all the rules of nature to be endearing. i find it kinda gross
but a girl who's not fully korean getting into sm? why not? It's not "unnatural" just "uncommon." but especially if she had connections and could happen.
there are american-born or half white members of kpop bands as it is. i can think of at least a couple