❀【VENUS HUNTER 】⋯ The Maths Girl


NICKNAME, Nerdy — Because of her good grades, girls in school call her that way (in a lovely way).
NICKNAME, Nunu —Her family calls her that way, it was put by her younger brother Eun Hyun.

BIRTHDAY — January 13, 1999.
BIRTH PLACE — London, England.
HOMETOWN — London, England.

ETHNICITY — British/Korean.

LANGUAGE SPOKEN, English — Because she lived all her live in England.

LANGUAGE SPOKEN, Korean — Since her mom is korean, she wanted her to speak it too.

LANGUAGE SPOKEN, German — Since his dad is half-German, he made her learn it.

LANGUAGE SPOKEN, French — She used to learn it in London


Venus Hunter Kim

by JungJaYeon (Ro)


— a beaute academy student, a complete beauty

FACE CLAIM — Kim Yoo Jung
BACK UP — Kim So Hyun

HEIGHT — 170 cm/5'7"
WEIGHT — 55 kg/121 lbs

She looks a little older that what she actually is, and it has always been like that. She is skinny, with long legs and white skin. She has long dark brown-redish wavy hair. Her eyes are really dark, they sometimes appear black, and they are aleays shining (Just like Luhan's eyes) and with really long dark lashes. And with a beautiful eye-smile.


— weekend outings

She really likes skirts and dresses. Her favorite colors to wear are black, white, pink, grey and gold. She is always wearing jewerly, rings are her favorite. She has a really good sense of fashion. She sees fashion as another scince, as an academic thing, that's why it is easy. She knows how to combine colors, patterns and make little details really pop out. And she loves hats. ITS. AN. OBSESSION.



— be unique, be you

Venus is down to earth, she knows what she wants and she works for it. She is really intelligent, a perfect student with really good grades. She is the type of person that is always trying to please people around her, even if she is not happy with it, she likes making others happy. She will always be like others expect her to be.

She doesn't talk much, just when she has something to talk about, if not, she stays quiet. She is shy around new people and gets easily intimidated. She has a really kind heart and likes helping others. Teacher have a really good image of her. She trust really easily on people too, that's why she is always being hurt. She is not good with jokes about herself, because she takes them in a serious way.

When she is mad, she won't say anything, even if she was the one being aggreded, she won't defent herself, because she doesn't what to hurt the other person, she can't hate nobody. She also gets stressed a lot and doesn't know how to relax. The only way she can relibe her madness or stress is by crying, but she doesn't like other people watching her. She doesn't like attention that much. 


— likes

ONE — Math! <3
TWO — Music.
THREE — Stuffed animals.
FOUR — Spicy foods or candy.
FIVE — Skinship.

— dislikes

ONE — When someone screams.
TWO — Insects.
THREE — Coffee.
FOUR — Vanity.

— habits

ONE — Drinking green tea in the mornings.
TWO — She over think things and make the easiest things, the most complicated things.
THREE — When she thinks, she will have this "lost look".

— hobbies

ONE — Singing.
TWO — Solving math problems in internet.
THREE — Drawing.
FOUR — Painting her nails.

— other facts

ONE — She uses glasses
TWO — She is in the Music club (She plays everything) and in the Cooking Club.
THREE — She cries if someone screams at her.
FOUR — She has really good grades (A+) in all her classes.
FIVE — She suffers Acrophobia (Fear to high places) and Claustrophobia (Fears to closed places).
Six — She likes helping people study for exams
Seven — She doesn't get mad that easly.
EIGHT — She dreams with being a famous musician, but her parents will never accept that.
NINE — She likes every class, except for History. Her best classes are Math and English.


— before beaute

She was born in London, England. She was a normal child, with good grades and problems with her older sister. She liked her family and the fact that it was growing. But she really miss her dad, because he is never home. Her mother in the other hand was busy taking care of her younger brothers, so practically, it was his older brother Landon who taught her most of the things she knows. She doesn't get along with her older sister at all. She only talks with her if necessary.

She discovered her love for music at a really young age, but her parents also noticed her brain. They developed great plans for her, but that is not want she wants. She wants to follow her dreams, just like her sister did, but she doesn't dare to break the heart of her parents one more time.


— the stars in your sky

Father — Brandon Hunter // 50 // Pilot // Strict, Down to earth. // They aren't really close, he is always traveling.

Mother — Eun Ji Kim // 46 // Mother // Caring, Carefree. // relationship with your character


Older Brother — Landon Hunter Kim // 19 // Student // Laid back, cool // Her favorite brother, he is always taking care of her.

older sister — Olive Hunter Kim // 17 // Model // Strong, a little y // Venus wants to be like her, she wants to follow her dreams just like Olive did, but they can't stand each other.

younger brother— Eun Hyun Hunter Kim // 12 // Student // Serious, Genius. // They don't talk much, but deep inside, he love Venus.

younger brother— Louie Hunter Kim // 8 // Student // Really bubbly and outgoing // Louie loves Venus with all his heart. He is always with her. It broke him apart when she left.

younger brother— Yoan Hunter Kim // 3 // Baby // Charismatic and Friendly. // She thinks that he is really cute, but he prefers Eun Hyun


— who will support you

The Idiot — Name // age // Caelum Student // Weird, idiot. // relationship with your character

The Chemistry girl — Name // age // Beauté Student // personality // Since they are really passionate

The Maths Girl

— In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take.

Would you like if your character had a love triangle — Yeah! Why not?

What would your reaction be if your character ended without a love interest — I would react pretty normal, I mean, if she didn't had a boyfriend it was for some good reason, maybe they weren't meant to be. I won't be mad or anything.

DOES YOUR CHARACTER DISLIKE SOMEONE IN THE GROUP/DOESN'T GET ALONG WITH someone other than the boys? — She's scared of the Vice President, because she is always screaminig


LAST COMMENT — Your theme is amazing. Keep doing great!

Maybe the Characters doing a group project and ends in a kind of disaster.

PASSWORD — Beaute - Beauty. Caelum - Sky


return to the story

Kim Tae Hyung

— The Idiot


PERSONALITY — Taehyung has a 4D Personality that makes people think “Is he really human?” or “Wow he is very weird he must be an alien!”.Taehyung makes weird things such as dancing, making the stupidest faces, making the best alien noises, act very weird around his friends. He’s the definition of weird and stupid. He’s basically a boy full of randomness. He has really bad grades. He always try to do things right, but he will eventually fail. He always tries to protect the persons he love, and can be a little jelous.

AGE & GRADE — December 30, 1997 // 11th Grade

RELATIONSHIP — They have a really cute relationship, because she find him really cute, like when he makes mistakes and things like that. She is always taking care of him, but she actually enjoys it. And he loves having her attention, so sometimes he will do mistakes just to have her. She will also sing for him and things like that.

HISTORY — At first, they use to hate each other, he was the school's idiot, and she was the school's nerd. He always pissed her off, and she found him really annoying. But eventually, she thought that his "idiot" side was kind of cute. And because they started talking more, she liked the fact that she didn't have to be perfect around him.

OTHER — The Lost One


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