/read if u like/ New life, New beginning, New resolution, New year, New me + NEW IDENTITY OF FAKE BEGINNING

"This is just the beginning."

"It's not the ending; it's a new beginning."

"A new start of life."



Hey peeps! or Genius person.. out there! *troll face grinning*



         Just like the title, today, or any day in December, I will have a new point of life where I put all the struggles, happiness, pain, and even my romance life back behind and in the past.


   It means that I will change. I will be turning a new leaf, I will move forward and start a new one. The year is about to end, but to me it's a new beginning of the life of Rio.

About the phrase above: I kept listening, hearing those phrases in every single movie or drama that I encountered and watched; obviously this is a typical phrase used by the actors and actress. LOL


   Anyway, this is not about a drama or stupid realistic phrase that I'm going to share about, so let's cut to the cheese chess chase;


This is about what will be the new me; the better, the more useful and the more independent girl.


I'm not saying that I'm actually changing the real me-- in a direct way of saying it -- I will change some part of me to become... a less mean, stupid. cursing, ugly person.


I know, I know, some of you might say directly towards your screen (or inside your brain or more known as heart) that *in a low husky voice, lazily* "You're not that type of person" "you should be yourself" "You're no special nor poor to me" 

or maybe most of it: "I don't ing care" "I don't think like that" or other things I suppose.



I'll just tell you about my story/the story:


1. New Life


       My new life? Well idk hahha since my life is still the same as it used to be. I imagine that as soon as I get my PT3 result, and IF I get straight As', I will be able to go to Korea. There, as I know my life is more special and lucky (when I get straight As) I will start to change everything! Get it? That future now, that I will be able to go there, I will not have to wait until I'm 23 or something to be able to go there anymore! Hahaha!

        Then, I will get/ask/want to get a phone (since my phone was broken lol) and start a new beginning!

 Still no understand me-ah?


Well, I'm poor (my family is well-off but I still think I'm poor) so my new life is I will exercise/work out more, saving money more, learning korean more, drawing fanart more, using beauty product more, and that's my new beginning!


2. New beginning


       As stated above, IF I do get to go there, I will do interesting things more so I can be special too!

I'll explain why it's "a new beginning" on the last part.


3. New Resolution


         Not my goal, but new objective/future. Here's a list of it:

  • Lucky enough, if I get to be one of SM artist. I will become an artist if so. I will look through it first though. If I say yes, what will happen? That is what I'm going to consider in being one of SM trainee. IF I'm lucky enough. But seriously, I thought about it, I will spend few years being a trainee and if I'am a trainee for 4 years and still haven't debut, it will be a waste of time isn't it? I will lose everything. Seriously I've been thinking few days ago, "Should I say "No"? and have a normal future?"


  • If I'm not lucky, like if I didn't get a chance to be a SM Trainee or whatever, I will become a architect. But my dad, on the other hand giving me pressure on choosing what I wanted to be when I grow up. He wants me to be a musician. Here's the truth: Playing the piano, guitar, ukulele, recorder, flute and wanting to play the violin is mainly my hobby. I like learning new things and music. These days, I felt like he deliberately tell me to go and study at a Vocational school, and any prestigious school in my country. I hate it.


  •  If I didn't get straight As, I will stay as myself and a more depressed person. I will stay sad allll day, will get fat and thought about my dark future: LOL. Seriously, I will continue as myself. But as a more fatter, dumber, lazy, depressed person. Eating ice-cream and reminding myself that the only option/way to survive in life is giving up.



 4. New year


Since I've already made a promise in my diary that I will write my goals on there, I will share it on January (my goals). Since I still don't know what is my result, I can't predict my future goals.


5. New me


I will change but as I stated above, I can't predict it yet. Let's just hope I have my success this year.


But seriously, this is not affected by my result, but my past life. I'll post "Wrap-up 2014:15" on the end of the month. 

Anyway the new me is about my personality.


I'm amazed that there's a lot of brilliant, geniuses in South Korea and I was so inspired of their success that I even wanted to be like them.

I saw the episode of 1n2d 4 weeks ago about a field trip with the students on their old school, and one of Junhyeok's junior was a 0.01% in the nation (Korea).

That is one crazy brilliant.

Nother junior from Cha Taehyun's school (Seocho High School) , (Family name) Subin was the top 0.05 or was it 0.02?

And that is some crazy . Since even my friend the most genius in my grade (ranked first) was not like that. The highest was 0.89 probably.


Because I want to be adored like them too, I will start focusing to study a lot. And by this, everything will change in my school life. 


What? This is:


1. Being a quiet, very quiet person who rarely talks and on the spotlight.
2. Since I'm still unsure what class will I be in, I'll just assume that my BFF The Fagot and Girl Joowon is not in my class-- so now that I said it, I will not have any friends left. Except for my classmates. Old classmates are considered as my friend. Hahah, I mean I will rarely hang out with Girl Joowon and The Fagot again.Only when they need me I'll go to them.
3. I don't ing want to love or receive love anymore. That means I will not/don't have any feeling with Troll Lover/Daevee/V anymore/again because I know, I just know it he will never like me and I will never love him as my boyfriend. We can be a very close friend but since that is not going to happen, I will move on.
4. I will forget Dale Remy Adrian and his family. Luhan Fairy Guy and all my wishes. If I can. I will focus more on my real life. Since dreams are like your reality; it hurts you so much.
5. Will continue to support Exo. Even as 10. Or 9. I heard Tao is rumored to be the next one to leave Exo. Hah! That's their opinion. I think it's Baekhyun or Lay. Let's hope it's not true.
 There will be a lot of changes, including being the next Sadako Sawako. The next Hikigaya. The next God of Capturing Girls. That's it I'm outta here--


[SPECIAL!] New Identity of Fake Beginning



YOLO. This term is used by many people, and most of them used it as their motto of life. They said it was "pure, rational, and most of is reality." I rather choose EBOLO.


Lol a stupid opening -_______- hahahah


I've mentioned earlier about... a new beginning and a new life. INCLUDING;  a new identity.


My latest and oldest identity was Rio/Orio/Drio/Dryo right? That is for my blog in "Real Life Story". Well since the year is about to end, my result is coming out soon (on 23 December 2014), and I'm not sure if my dream to Korea is going to came true, I have a plan to beautify myself (since being new is all about changing people's perspective towards me).


Anyway my identity will be: Jung Sooae (LOL) or lxtsphbe (it might have some changes in the spelling) or my plan earlier: korean2b/korean2be.


I really ing love Korean culture (but I still love my nationality as a Malaysian) because they are beautiful (YOU DON'T SAY PLASTIC SURGERY LIKE ALL MY TEACHER AND FRIEND SAID) , classy, and mostly modern. 


I said I wanted to be someone new, a better person inside and outside.


So, you want to know what I want to turn out as?


as a Asian, beauty blogger, who loves korean beauties, and wanted to be one.


Here's the new blog/e-mail/username that I will use starting next week (after I know my result) 


e-mail : [email protected]

blog: korean2be.blogspot.com

username: @korean2be


I haven't created it yet and haven't check the availability so please don't use it!



Bye adios. Kisses and love from me Rio!



[Malaysia, 9:30p.m. Dec-16-2014]



The best song that will represent my feeling right now is Nell's newest single, "Green Nocturne".


Read the english translation and you will understand.


Have a nice winter!


///straight from my blog post


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