Weekily Challenge Idea (Everyone, please read)

So, some of you guys might know I am a bit of a healthy freak (a little, haha), and I oknow a lot f you guys have body goals. I was wondering if you wanted to do a weekly work out challenge with me? I can help you guys plan meals, find time, ext...(As I said, health geek, lol). I would put up the work out schedule, and regime for the week and then at the end of the week we could all blog what we did:) 

I am a vegan, so I won't eat anything with any sort of animal product in it. If any of you wanna try it, you can, and I would be willing to help. It's good for your health, weight, and the environment:) We also have words such a pecetarian,  vegitarian, low carb, ext...what do you guys think?

Comment bellow and tell me your thoughts:) Starry (I really need you name, damn),  We could fight for abs together! 


Also, I have been wanting to start Yoga, do any of you know anything about that?


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